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Access to Public Records

In accordance with IC 5-14-3-3, any person may inspect and copy the public records of the Covington-Veedersburg Public Libraries (hereafter referred to as "the Libraries") during the regular business hours of the Libraries, except as provided in IC 5-14-3-4. A request for inspection or copying must:

  1. Identify with reasonable particularity the record being requested; and
  2. Be in writing.

No request may be denied because the person making the request refuses to state the purpose of the request, unless such condition is required by other applicable statute.

The Libraries will not deny or interfere with the exercise of the right to inspect and copy public records. The Libraries shall either:

  1. Provide the requested copies to the person making the request; or
  2. Allow the person to make copies on the Libraries' equipment or on the person's own equipment. Copies will be at the person's expense.

The Libraries will not:

  1. Permit a person to inspect and copy through the use of enhanced access public records containing information owned by or entrusted to the Libraries; or
  2. Permit a governmental entity to use an electronic device to inspect and copy public records containing information owned by or entrusted to the Libraries.

The Libraries shall make reasonable efforts to provide to a person making a request a copy of all disclosable data contained in the records on paper, disk, tape, drum, or any other method of electronic retrieval if the medium requested is compatible with the Libraries' data storage system. This subsection does not apply to an electronic map (as defined by IC 5-14-3-2).

A person who receives information in electronic format may not use the information for commercial purposes. Such purposes include to sell, advertise, or solicit the purchase of merchandise, goods, or services, or sell, loan, give away, or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person (as defined in IC 5-14-3-2) for these purposes. Use of information received electronically in connection with the preparation or publication of news, for nonprofit activities, or for academic research is not prohibited. A person who uses information in a manner contrary to these rules will be prohibited by the Libraries from obtaining a copy of any further data via electronic means.

Public Records Excepted from Disclosure

In accordance with IC 5-14-3-4(a), the following public records are excepted from public access and will not be disclosed by the Library, unless access to the records is specifically required by a state or federal statute or is ordered by a court under the rules of discovery. These excepted records include:

  1. Those declared confidential by state statute.
  2. Those declared confidential by rule adopted by the Libraries under specific authority to classify public records as confidential granted to the Libraries by statute.
  3. Those required to be kept confidential by federal law.
  4. Records containing trade secrets.
  5. Confidential financial information obtained, upon request, from a person. However, this does not include information that is filed with or received by the Libraries pursuant to state statute.
  6. Information concerning research, including actual research documents, conducted under the auspices of an institution of higher education, including information:
    1. Concerning any negotiations made with respect to the research; and
    2. Received from another party involved in the research.
  7. Grade transcripts and license examination scores obtained as part of a licensure process.
  8. Those declared confidential by or under rules adopted by the supreme court of Indiana.
  9. Patient medical records and charts created by a provider, unless the patient gives written consent under IC 16-39.

In addition, the Libraries declares the following public records to be excepted from public disclosure in accordance with IC 5-14-3-4(b):

  1. The work product of an attorney representing the Libraries.
  2. Records that are of an advisory or deliberative nature, including material developed by a private contractor under a contract with the Libraries, records that are expressions of opinion or are of a speculative nature, and records that are communicated for the purpose of decision making.
  3. Diaries, journals, or other personal notes serving as the functional equivalent of a diary or journal.
  4. Personnel files of Library employees and files of applicants for Library employment, except for:
    1. The name, compensation, job title, business address, business telephone number, job description, education and training background, previous work experience, or dates of first and last employment of present or former officers or employees of the Libraries;
    2. Information relating to the status of any formal charges against the employee; and
    3. Information concerning disciplinary actions in which final action has been taken and that resulted in the employee being disciplined or discharged.
  5. Administrative or technical information that would jeopardize a recordkeeping or security system.
  6. Computer programs, computer codes, computer filing systems, and other software that are owned by the Libraries or entrusted to them.
  7. Records specifically prepared for discussion or developed during discussion in an executive session under IC 5-14-1.5-6.1. However, this subdivision does not apply to that personnel information required to be available for inspection and copying under subdivision (4).
  8. The identity of a donor of a gift made to the Libraries if:
    1. The donor requires nondisclosure of his or her identity as a condition of making the gift; or
    2. After the gift is made, the donor or a member of the donor's family requests nondisclosure.
  9. Libraries or archival records:
    1. That can be used to identify any patron of the Libraries; or
    2. Deposited with or acquired by the Libraries upon a condition that the records be disclosed only:
      1. To qualified researchers;
      2. After the passing of a period of years that is specified in the documents under which the deposit or acquisition is made; or
      3. After the death of persons specified at the time of the acquisition or deposit.

Adopted 10/5/04
Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Bed Bug Policy

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library recognizes that all patrons and staff have a role to play in controlling bed bugs in our community. All patrons and staff must immediately report any sighting of live or dead bed bugs to library staff/administrator.

Materials returned to Covington-Veedersburg Public Library with detected presence of live or dead bed bugs will be treated or discarded at the discretion of the library. Discarded items will be considered as damaged items and charged to the account of the patron returning the item.

All items identified by Library staff as potentially containing live or dead bed bugs in any stage will be promptly quarantined. Items with minor or suspected signs will be promptly placed in a specialized heat treatment system that adheres to industry standards and is specifically designed to kill bed bugs.

After treatment, all materials will be re-inspected.

Any materials returned by a patron that show evidence of live or dead bed bugs will result in immediate suspension of Covington-Veedersburg Public Library privileges for that patron and for any patrons in the same residence as original patron. Suspension is defined as being banned from the library building as well as suspension of borrowing privileges. Suspension will be lifted after the patron presents proof that his/her residence has been successfully treated for and eradicated of bed bugs by a licensed and accredited pest control company.

Patron Protocol

Library patrons must cease to borrow materials from Covington-Veedersburg Public Library if they are experience a bed bug infestation in their residence.

In the event that a patron discovers a live or dead bed bug, bed bug eggs, bed bug nymphs, or feces or spotting associated with bed bugs in Covington-Veedersburg Public Library, the patron must immediately do the following:

  • If the materials are inside the Library: Bring the materials to a staff member and inform the staff member of the problem.
  • If the materials are outside of the Library and in the possession of the patron: Place the materials into a sealable plastic bag. Return the sealed materials to a staff member and inform the staff member of the problem. Patrons must not use book drops to return materials with / or suspected evidence of bed bugs.
  • Patrons are prohibited from self-treating Library materials that are suspected to contain bed bugs.
  • Patrons will be held responsible for any damages sustained to Library materials during an attempted self-treatment. Successfully eradicating bed bugs requires professional procedures and equipment contracted by the Library.
  • Patrons entering the Library with personal electronic devices that have evidence of live or dead bed bugs must exit the library immediately and this will, likewise, result in immediate suspension of Covington-Veedersburg Public Library privileges for that patron and for any patrons in the same residence as original patron. Suspension will be lifted after the patron presents proof that his/her residence has been successfully treated for and eradicated of bed bugs by a licensed and accredited pest control company.

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Amended July 22, 2021

Borrowing Rules

Borrowing Schedule

  • Audio Books: 21 day circulation
  • CD ROM: 7 day circulation
  • Books: 21 day circulation
  • New Books: 14 day circulation
  • Magazines: 7 day circulation
  • Music CDs: 14 day circulation
  • Reference materials do not circulate
  • Videos: 7 day circulation

Fines & Fees

  • Covington-Veedersburg Public Library does not charge overdue fines. Fees will be charged for lost or damaged items.

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Circulation Policy

The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library abides by the Evergreen Indiana Circulation Policy.

Any resident of Troy or Van Buren township is eligible to freely register as a user of the Covington - Veedersburg Public Library and is thereby entitled to use the facilities, services, materials, and equipment which are provided for public use as long as he/she complies with all the rules pertaining to the use of the library and pays all fines and other charges incurred by him/her and all minors for whom he/she is responsible. In order to register as a library user, the person must provide proof of identification with a valid photo ID and proof of residence per Evergreen Indiana policy.

For a person who lives outside of Troy and Van Buren townships, there are options available. The library has reciprocal agreements with libraries in the area which are not Evergreen Indiana libraries (e.g. Williamsport, Kingman, Crawfordsville) and library privileges are offered free of charge to patrons of these libraries. If a person lives in an un-served township, he/she can purchase a library membership for $63.00 a year.

The minimum age at which a person becomes eligible to apply for a CVPL library card is 4 years of age. For library use, a person is a "minor" if that person is under 18 years of age. Registration of a minor requires that the parent or guardian must sign the minor's library card registration form stating the parent or guardian is legally responsible to pay all fines and other charges incurred in the name of the minor.

Educational Library Cards

The Board of Trustees of the Covington-Veedersburg Public Library district allows access to a library card at no charge to students/school staff who meet the following criteria in accordance with Indiana law IC 36-12-2-25 (d)

  1. a student enrolled in a public or private school that is located at least in part in the library district; or
  2. a teacher or teacher’s aide employed by a public or private school that is located in the library district: and
  3. who is a resident of Indiana, but is not a resident of the library district. As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC. 49.

The Educational library card is a blue Evergreen Indiana card. Access is limited to Covington-Veedersburg Public Library materials.

Junior Library Cards

If minors under the age of 18 and meeting the qualifications for either a Resident or Student library card are unable to secure an adult sponsor to cover their fiscal liabilities, the Board of Trustees of the Covington-Veedersburg Public Library district allows the library to issue a Junior library card upon request. The Junior library card is a blue Evergreen Indiana card. Access is limited to Covington-Veedersburg Public Library materials. A limit of three items may be checked out concurrently. Prospective patrons of this type must provide proof of school attendance at a qualifying local school. Lost or damaged items will render the card inactive until the items are returned or paid for. One instance of a lost or damaged item may be forgiven by CVPL management per calendar year at their discretion.

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees (Updated April 13, 2023)

Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

The following guidelines describe the policies of the Covington-Veedersburg Public Library for use of computer data networks and the resources they access, including the Internet. Any person in good standing may access the Library’s public computers and the library internet connection. The library patron is responsible for proper use of the computer network, databases, and the Internet. The library patron using the network or the Internet should be aware of the risks posed by computer viruses and other destructive computer programs and should take steps to avoid allowing the Library’s computer network to be damaged by them. Patrons may not add to, delete, or alter the software on Library computers in any way.

Filtering of Internet Sites

In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, no one under the age of 18 is permitted to access computer sites that contain obscene or sexually explicit material harmful to minors. CIPA rules prohibit adults in the library from displaying such materials within the view of minors. All Library computers can potentially be in the view of minors at any point in time. Therefore, all Library computers have been set to filter out materials as outlined by CIPA.

Use of Computers by Minors

Children needing to use the library computers who are younger than 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis for children age 10 – 11 who have exhibited mature and acceptable behavior. Special permission may be granted for approved educational purposes. CPL cannot act in loco parentis. The library provides a least restrictive environment for computer and internet access for minors 12 years and older. Parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting standards to follow when using media and information sources through the Internet or network, and conveying these standards to their children. The library filters internet sites but no filtering system can be considered completely infallible due to the continuously evolving state of the Internet and we recognize that personal opinions regarding “offensive” material may vary. The library encourages parental supervision of children using the Internet for those parents who are concerned about their children’s internet experience while using library computers.

Legal Use

The library computer network and the Internet may be used by patrons for legal purposes only. Examples of illegal use include but are not limited to:

  • Harassing, libeling, or slandering others
  • Downloading programs, software, etc., which damage or result in disruption of the network
  • Transmission of speech not protected by the First Amendment
  • Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material
  • Accessing material advocating or constituting child pornography or abuse, or displaying pornography to minors
  • Use of the network or Internet to commit fraud or other crimes

Ethical Use

Network and Internet access must be used in accordance with Covington-Veedersburg Public Library policies. Examples of unacceptable use, some of which may also have legal consequences, include:

  • Violation of network or computer system security
  • Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, IP addresses, network properties, personal or library passwords, identification numbers, etc.
  • Use of terminals in a manner which impedes the access of other patrons to the network, such as failing or refusing to observe time restrictions set by the library.


Violators of legal or ethical policies will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner. Violators can lose some or all library privileges. Persons making illegal use of the network or Internet may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities. The Director is authorized by the Library’s Board of Trustees to suspend the Library privileges and/or suspend or terminate the Internet privileges of any patron who fails to adhere to the Library’s rules for acceptable use of the computers and the Internet connection. A patron may appeal the suspension or termination of Library and/or Internet privileges, but the suspension or termination will remain in effect until the appeal is heard by the Library Board of Trustees and a determination is made.

Limitation of Liability

It is impossible for the Library staff to monitor computer workstations every minute that the library is open. Therefore, patrons and the parents or guardians of minors must assume responsibility for acceptable use of the network, PCs and the Internet.

The library assumes no liability for use of credit cards by Library patrons using the Internet.

The library assumes no direct or indirect responsibility for any damages that may occur arising from the use by its patrons of its connection to the Internet. This includes such things as loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, service interruptions, or transfers or disclosure of user file information.

The library is not responsible for damage caused to a computer owned by the user or anyone else from computer viruses acquired through use of the Library’s Internet connection.

Library patrons are advised to be good information consumers and evaluate the various sources of information available for accuracy, timeliness, and credibility.

Patrons must digitally confirm their agreement to abide by the policies for Internet and computer use at the Covington or Veedersburg Public Library each time they log on to the public access computers.

Adopted August 13, 2020 by the Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees
Reviewed December 19, 2022

Electronic Meetings Policy

The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees, in compliance with the 2021 Indiana General Assembly HEA 1437, hereby establishes the following policy and procedures regarding participation in Library Board meetings by the use of electronic communications.

Minimum Physical Participation

By Indiana law, a minimum of four members must be physically present at each meeting.

Permitted Means of Communication

Technology used for electronic participation in Library Board meetings must permit simultaneous communication between board members and also permit the public to simultaneously attend and observe the meeting. Exception: The library is not required to permit the public to attend executive sessions held electronically.

Participation by Electronic Means

No more than two members may attend electronically during any one meeting.

Members wishing to attend a Library Board meeting electronically must notify the board President at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that the appropriate notice and technology measures may be put in place.

Board members may not attend more than six meetings during any given year by electronic means. A board member may attend two consecutive meetings by electronic communication and then must attend at least one meeting in person before attending another meeting electronically. Exceptions to these two restrictions include the following:

  • military service;
  • illness or other medical condition;
  • death of a relative; or
  • an emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.

Roll Call Voting

All votes taken during a meeting with electronic attendees must be taken by roll call vote. The official roll call vote is to be documented in the meeting minutes.


Board members attending electronically may be counted present for quorum purposes and may vote on matters presented before the board, with the exception of those limitations listed below. The board member must be able to be both seen and heard in order to vote on board actions.


Electronic participation in Library Board meetings is not permitted if the board is attempting to take final action on one of the following:

  • Adopt a budget;
  • Make a reduction in personnel;
  • Initiate a referendum;
  • Establish or increase a penalty;
  • Use eminent domain authority; or
  • Establish, raise, or renew a tax.

If the board or a member of the public experience technology failure during the meeting, the meeting may continue and further board actions or votes will be valid as long as there is a quorum of members who are still able to participate.


Minutes of Library Board meetings where a board member attends electronically must:

  • state the name of each board member
    • who was present in person;
    • who attended the meeting by electronic means; and
    • who was absent, and
  • identify the electronic communication mechanism used for the meeting.

Disaster Emergencies declared by the Governor or Local Government Officials

The Library Board may meet completely electronically until the disaster or emergency is terminated.

During the disaster emergency, the board may meet using any form of electronic communication as long as the meeting meets the following criteria:

  • At least a quorum of the board is participating in the meeting either in person or electronically;
  • The public is able to simultaneously attend and observe the meeting (unless it is an executive session); and
  • votes are taken by roll call vote.

Meeting minutes must state the name of each board member who attended electronically and who was absent; and identify the electronic communication mechanism used for the meeting.

Adopted July 22, 2021
Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Inappropriate Behavior Policy

Library users have a right to assume that visits to the library will be free from harassment; free from physical discomfort and danger; free from psychological and emotional stress.

The library staff has basically the same rights. Each member of the staff should be able to do his/her work free of harassment, abuse, discomfort, and undue psychological stress.

The rights of both the public and the staff are sometimes violated by the attitudes and behavior of a very small minority of persons.

The libraries consider the following to be unacceptable behavior:

  1. Loud conversation or laughter which is disturbing to other users.
  2. Obscene or abusive language.
  3. Smoking in the library building or outside less than twenty-five feet from the library doors.
  4. Use of any communication or entertainment devices at a volume that disturbs others, with or without headphones.
  5. Willful destruction of / or damage to any library property.
  6. Blocking, or in any way interfering with, the free movement of any person or persons.
  7. Bringing animals other than service animals into the building unless preapproved by staff.
  8. Consumption of alcohol or illegal substances, being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances or the possession of such substances.
  9. Removal of any library property or items for sale from the building without authorization through established lending procedures or purchase requirements.
  10. Soliciting or selling of any kind, if disruptive to the normal use of the library.
  11. Distribution of leaflets or posting of notices in areas not authorized for this purpose.
  12. Use of library telephones by any person other than library personnel unless approved.
  13. Consumption of food or uncovered beverages brought into the building without approval by the library staff. Drinking from lidded beverages is allowed.
  14. Harassing behavior or other intimidating acts.
  15. Entering Library buildings without shoes, shirt and pants, or dress/skirt and shirt. These items must be worn at all times while in the library. Swimming apparel is not acceptable.
  16. Sleeping, or appearing to be sleeping, in the library facilities, utilizing the library facilities for bathing, shaving, washing hair, washing clothes, washing utensils or other items, or preparing food. No person shall camp in library facilities or on library grounds. “Camping” means the use of library property for living accommodations.
  17. Engaging in disorderly conduct, including fighting, arguing, running in the library, repeated entering and exiting of the building in groups.
  18. Committing a nuisance, or unreasonably disturbing and offending library users.
  19. Engaging in criminal behavior.
  20. Violating the CVPL Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Disruptive children who are in the library unaccompanied will be warned to stop the behavior or risk having a parent or guardian called and being asked to leave the premises.

  • If the behavior continues, staff will attempt to contact the parent or guardian by phone to come pick up the child. If the parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the staff is to contact local law enforcement to come take responsibility for the child.
  • If the staff is able to reach the parent or guardian by phone but the parent or guardian is unable to pick up the child within a reasonable time frame, the parent may give permission by phone for the child to walk home if appropriate. Law enforcement will be contacted if acceptable arrangements cannot be made.
  • If a disruptive child is instructed to leave the building, they may not return until they have spoken with library management and received formal approval to return.
  • Repeat offenses may result in a longer suspension.

If adult patrons are disruptive or persist in inappropriate behavior after a reminder from staff, they will be asked to leave the premises. Alternatively, staff may contact local law enforcement officials as needed.

Adopted June 24, 2021 Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Inter-Library Loan Patron Borrowing Policy

Patrons must be in good standing with the Covington-Veedersburg Public Library district in order to borrow materials through the Inter-Library Loan system.

Patrons must have no outstanding fines or charges in order to be eligible to place an order for ILL materials.

Patrons may request no more than five items per week through Inter-Library Loan unless special permission is granted by the library staff.

When ILL materials which have been ordered arrive at the library, they cannot be checked out if the patron has any outstanding charges. All charges must be paid prior to checking out any ILL materials.

ILL materials are required to be returned by the date specified by the library. Materials may not always be available for a full two-week period. Factors contributing to a shortened borrowing time may include the length of time the ILL material was in transit from the lending library, and the date on which the patron actually checks the material out from the library.

Patrons who exhibit a pattern of returning ILL borrowed materials past the specified due date will be subject to a loss of ILL borrowing privileges for a period of six months.

If patrons who have had borrowing privileges suspended for six months, and who have subsequently had privileges returned, once again resume a pattern of returning ILL materials late they will be subject to permanent loss of ILL borrowing privileges.

Patrons who fail to return ILL materials, or who return ILL materials late, are legally liable for any charges levied on the Covington-Veedersburg Library system by the lending library.

Adopted December 2007
Amended October 2008 Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Room Reservation Form

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Meeting Room Policy

The meeting room in the Covington Public Library can be used by the public; however, library functions always take precedence over all other meetings.
The meeting room can be used by:

  1. Civic, community or educational organizations
    • The purpose of the meeting must be non-commercial, non-partisan and non-profit.
  2. Educational tutors, either non-profit or for profit
    • Limit of no more than two hours per week/ per tutor.
    • Approval on a three-month basis.
    • Inappropriate behavior or disruption of library functions may cause loss of privileges.
  3. Religious groups for non-partisan and bi-partisan programs
    • The purpose of the meeting should be educational in nature.
  4. Commercial, industrial or professional organizations for educational purposes
    • The purpose of the meeting should not involve the sale of goods or services.
  5. Job Fairs
  6. Friends of the Library for fund-raising activities.

No admission fee may be charged for any meeting held in the room. However, a fee may be charged to cover the actual costs of materials or supplies used during the meeting or workshop. An exception may be made for Friends of the Library fund-raising activities.

The meeting room is available at no charge during library hours. Special arrangements must be made at least one week in advance for any meeting which will not conclude prior to the closing of the library. The availability of the meeting room for extended hours is conditional upon the availability of a staff member to oversee security. A security fee of $10 will be charged for any meeting that will last past the regular closing time of the library. The security fee is to be submitted one week in advance of the meeting. The security fee is to be paid directly to the employee in charge of the meeting's security. The meeting must begin during library hours and conclude by 9:00 p.m. Groups not paying the $10 security fee must have their meeting completed and the conference room in order by the closing time for the library.

A Meeting Room Reservation Form must be filled out completely and approved prior to the reservation being confirmed.

The person who signs up to use the meeting room is responsible for setting up chairs and tables in the meeting room and restoring the area to its original condition before leaving the building.

Refreshments may be served. The person accountable for the room will be held responsible for any damage to the room.

A responsible adult must be in attendance whenever the meeting room is scheduled for use by a public group. When the meeting room is not scheduled for use by the library or an approved group, the space may be opened to use by individuals using the library Wi-Fi or doing homework.

The library is not responsible for personal belongings of persons attending meetings or for injuries incurred during non­library meetings.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the library, including the restrooms. No alcohol is permitted on library property.

Adopted -September 15, 2022
Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Meeting Room Reservation Form

Video Surveillance Policy


The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library has interior and exterior security cameras to enhance the safety and security of library patrons, staff, and property. Security cameras discourage illegal behavior and policy violations, enhance the opportunity to identify offenders, and provide recorded data relevant to the control of library security and operations. The security camera installation consists of dedicated cameras providing real-time and recorded archival data. There is no audio recording associated with the cameras.

Access to Digital Images

The Library Director or Library Board President must approve the release of recorded archival data to law enforcement in cases that involve theft or damage to the library property. The Director or Library Board President may instruct other staff to access and isolate live or recorded data related to a specific incident or may ask other staff to view live or recorded data to ascertain security concerns. Authorized staff will notify the Library Director whenever they access archival video data.

Acceptable Use and Patron Privacy

Activity on Library Property - Authorized staff may use live surveillance, a still shot, or selected portions of recorded data to assess the security risk of a specific individual, to investigate a crime on library property, to request law enforcement assistance, to validate serious or repeated policy violations, to alert staff to banned or repeatedly disruptive individuals, or to address security/operational concerns.

Requests from Law Enforcement - Authorized staff must immediately use live surveillance or recorded data to cooperate with law enforcement investigations after the presentation of a properly executed search warrant signed by a judge. If a subpoena is presented, the lawyer representing the library is to be contacted to ensure that the subpoena is in proper form. Only the Library Director or the Veedersburg PL Manager or Library Board President will release video surveillance data to law enforcement with a subpoena. Video surveillance data will not be available to the general public or patrons. The Library Board President may request to be informed of any requests made by law enforcement officers.

Privacy - In all other respects, recorded data will be accorded the same level of confidentiality and protection provided to library patrons by Indiana State law and the library’s policies on confidentiality and privacy, with footage released only in accordance with and as required by law.

Adopted: March 12, 2020
Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Social Networking Policy

This policy pertains to social networking web applications, sites, or accounts which have been created by Covington-Veedersburg Public Library (CVPL) to facilitate an environment in which our community of library staff and library users may share library related information and opinions. Intended content will relate to libraries, authors, books, library programs and events, photos and/or images related to the preceding topics, and/or special topics that CVPL is discussing or promoting.

Comments, posts and messages from the public are encouraged. CVPL wishes to respect differences in opinion, however, comments, posts and messages will be reviewed by CVPL staff to ensure that content is relevant to the content created by the library. CVPL reserves the right to remove postings or comments that are inconsistent with the content created by the library staff. A user may be blocked from adding any further content to the CVPL social networking sites. The following categories represent content that is not acceptable to be posted on CVPL social networking sites, and will be deleted by CVPL staff:

  • Obscene, sexist, or racist content.
  • Harassing comments or postings which include rude, profane or obscene statements or images, threaten physical harm toward another person, and/or engage in behavior with the sole intent of annoying another person.
  • Libelous and slanderous statements.
  • Plagiarizing or posting copy-righted material without permission or authority.
  • Private, personal information of another person without appropriate consent or authority.
  • Comments, postings, and/or hyperlinks not related to the content created by the Library staff.
  • Commercial solicitations.

By posting content, the user agrees to indemnify CVPL and its trustees and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages, and costs (including attorney's fees) incurred by any of them which arise out of or are related to the posted content. Forums and messaging may not be used for commercial purposes or for organized political activity.

CVPL reserves the right to monitor content posted on all their social software web sites and accounts, and to modify or remove any messages or postings that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of the copyright, trademark right, or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate for the service. CVPL also reserves the right to edit or modify any submissions in response to requests for feedback or other commentary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CVPL is not obligated to take any such actions, and will not be responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber in any forum, message board, or other area within the service.

If any user does not agree to these terms, they are not to use the service as violation of the terms can lead to legal liability. By choosing to comment and/or utilize the above sites, users of Covington-Veedersburg Public Library’s social networking sites agree to these rules.

Adopted 9/8/11 Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees

Unattended and Disruptive Children Policy Covington-Veedersburg Public Library

The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library strives to create a warm, inviting and fun environment for children. The library offers programs and services that encourage children to develop a love of books, reading and learning.

Staff members are committed to:

  • Helping children find materials for school work and recreational reading.
  • Providing an environment that encourages study and exploration.
  • Planning short programs that inform and enrich.

Staff members are also committed to the well-being and safety of children. However, library facilities are not designed or licensed to provide child care and staff cannot monitor individual children to ensure their safety. Any public place may be dangerous for a child who is left unattended for long hours or who is left stranded once the library closes. The library encourages parents to consider the safety and well-being of their children and the needs of other library users of all ages.

Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while they are in the library or on library property, whether or not the parent is present. The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library staff is committed to helping children with activities related to the library. It is not, however, the library staff’s responsibility to serve as baby-sitters, teachers, or disciplinarians. Violations of the CVPL Inappropriate Behavior Policy are grounds for suspension of library privileges and may cause the child to be asked to leave the premises. The Library will attempt to notify the parent of incidents involving an unattended or disruptive child. Local law enforcement officials may be contacted to assist with the enforcement of discipline, if needed, or in the event that unattended children are stranded at the library at closing time. It is strongly recommended that all children are accompanied by someone who can take responsibility should an emergency occur.


Unattended Child: A child under the age of ten, who is left at the library without supervision by a parent, guardian or assigned responsible chaperon over the age of 16, or a child 16 and under who has not been granted a qualifying exception and is not picked up from the library prior to 30 minutes of closing time and no later than 5pm.

Accompanied: Within sight.

Disruptive Behavior: Inappropriate conduct that interferes with the work of other patrons or library staff. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to: loud or abusive talking, running, fighting, eating, inappropriate use of library materials or criminal behavior. (See CVPL Inappropriate Behavior Policy)

Unattended Children

Children 5 years and under must always be supervised by a parent, guardian or assigned chaperon over the age of 16, including in / standing outside restroom facilities.

Children age 6 to 9 years must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or assigned chaperon over 16 years unless they are participating in a library program and are exhibiting acceptable behavior.

The responsible caregiver is expected to be available to pick the child up at the program or in the event of an emergency / or behavioral issue. Failure of the caregiver to do so may result in loss of future privileges to attend programming unaccompanied.

Children age 10 and older may use the library on their own and will be expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in the CVPL Inappropriate Behavior Policy. If problems arise, they may be asked to leave or parents may be contacted. It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to be accessible to pick up the child at any time.

Parents are responsible for the actions and the well-being of their child or children. For safety’s sake, parents should make sure that their children are sufficiently mature before allowing them to visit the library without parental supervision. Children using inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave the library and repeat offenses will cause library privileges to be lost.

The library is not responsible for the care and supervision of unaccompanied children prior to opening or after closing. The library is also not responsible for children outside the building who await transportation or who are socializing. Adults responsible for unattended school-age children using the library should be aware of the library’s hours and make arrangements to meet the children on time.

Although teenagers are treated as adult users, they are still legally the responsibility of their parents and should have an emergency contact available.

No child 16 years or younger may be unattended in the library one half hour before library closing and no later than 5 pm. Exceptions may be granted for homework/study needs.

The Covington-Veedersburg Public Library will close due to emergencies because of inclement weather, power outages, etc. If the local schools close because of inclement weather, the library may also close. No child may be sent to the library if the schools close early due to emergencies.

When the library closes because of inclement weather or an emergency and school is still in session, the schools will be notified and asked to make an announcement.



Amended March 9, 2023
CVPL Board of Trustees

Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Volunteer Worker Policy

The Library welcomes volunteers but does not accept any liability for the health or safety of the volunteer for actions which are the volunteer’s own doing. Volunteer workers are not monetarily compensated.


Volunteers may perform routines tasks; or special projects tailored to talents the volunteer may possess. They may also be asked to assist a staff member in his/her duties or help supervise at library programs.

Volunteers working inside at the Covington Public Library will function under the direct supervision of either the Circulation Supervisor or Children’s Program Coordinator. In addition, volunteers performing library tasks on a regular basis during a time period when the direct supervisor is not present will be accountable to all library staff members working during any shift when the volunteer is working. Volunteers working outside at the Covington Public Library will function under the direct supervision of the Director or a Library Board Member.

Volunteers at the Veedersburg Public Library will function under the direct supervision of either the Veedersburg Library Manager or one of the Program Coordinators. In addition, volunteers performing library tasks on a regular basis during a time period when the direct supervisor is not present will be accountable to all library staff members working during any shift when the volunteer is working.

An expanded criminal history report will be required before an adult volunteer will be allowed to perform work at the Library on a routine basis. The library will pay the cost of the criminal history check for these volunteers. Volunteers under the age of 18 do not require a background check.

Community Service Workers:

The Library will accept volunteer community service help from students or adults who are performing community service as part of the school curriculum or as requirements for a civic group.

The Library will not accept community service workers who must complete these volunteer hours as part of a civil or criminal prosecution or plea bargain unless they are specifically recommended by the Fountain County Circuit Court Judge Community Service workers are limited to work on projects outside the building unless given prior approval by the Library Board.

Adopted: January 19, 2023
Covington-Veedersburg Public Library Board of Trustees