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Delivery Method

Choose the course delivery method from among:

  • Traditional education
  • Distance education
  • In-house education

See Admission and Discipline Rule 29, Section 3.

Note that there are limits to the number of credits an attorney may receive in a three-year educational period for distance education and in-house education, though the number varies if you are an attorney employed by government or in academia.

Basic Information

In order to have a course accredited, you must provide the following information:

  • Course date or date range
  • Exact title of the course
  • Any admission restrictions (e.g., limited to government attorneys, only public defenders, etc.)

If the course is traditional or in-house, you must also provide the course location, including address starting with country (city, state and zip if US).

Other required questions

You must answer the following two questions:

  • Is this course primarily designed for and targeted to attorneys? You can probably answer the question by reviewing the advertising for the course.
  • Have you previously applied for accreditation of this course (or any portion of it)?

Optional questions

Answering the following questions will help provide the Commission with information they need to approve your course:

  • What percentage of attendees are expected from outside the sponsor's organization?
  • How many pages of materials will be distributed (printed or electronic)?


  • The course content list will vary slightly depending on the course delivery method.
  • You must check one option before you can proceed.
  • Note that if you do not provide enough information about the course, your application may be denied.

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