Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)
- Spencer County
- Departments
- Current: Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)
Affiliate Members
Each year, the Spencer County Soil and Water Conservation District asks for local businesses’ support in promoting the conservation of Spencer County’s soil and water resources by becoming an Affiliate Member of the District.
Board Minutes & Archives
Here you can visit the Spencer County SWCD website or call them at 812-649-9136, ext 3 for information.
Partners & Programs
Visit the Natural Resources Conservation Service website.
Rule 5 & Information
Rule 5 (327 IAC 15-5) is a general permit, and as such it is not "issued" in the same manner as an individual NPDES permit would be issued.
Soil Scoop Archives
The Soil Scoop is no longer printed. Please see our Facebook Page and our Annual Report comes out at the beginning of every year.
Supervisors & Associates
Supervisors are 5 volunteers that have been elected and appointed to serve on the Board of Soil and Water Conservation District for Spencer County.
Soil & Water Conservation District
Courtney Hall - Program Administrator
996 N State Road 66, Number 102
Rockport, IN 47635
Phone: (812) 649-9136, Ext. 3
Fax: (855) 391-1917