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General Information


To vote in Spencer County, you must be registered at the address where you currently live and have a valid photo identification. We strongly encourage you to contact the voter registration office if you have moved and are not sure if you have changed your voter registration address or where you vote. The office can be reached at (812) 649-6017.


Beginning with the 2022 primary election Spencer County voters will be able to vote at any of seven locations within the county. As a new Vote Center county in 2022 an individual's vote can be tabulated in a person's home precinct regardless of where your ballot is cast. If you have questions about how this process works please feel free to call the Spencer County Voters Registration Office at 812-649-6017 or the Spencer County Clerk's Office at 812-649-6029.

Note: This provision only applies during a Municipal election if you moved within the same city or town.


The polls are open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. local time on Election Day. Early voting and absentee voting is covered in other areas of this website.

ADA Compliant

All polling locations in Spencer County are HAVA compliant and are accessible to those with disabilities.

2022 Spencer County Vote Center Locations

Chrisney Youth & Community Center

1101 E. CR 800 N | Chrisney, Indiana

Dale Community Center

103 N. Wallace Street | Dale, Indiana

Fulda Sportsman Club

11540 North Jackson Street | Fulda, Indiana

Grandview Civic Center

1301 Main Street | Grandview, Indiana

Luce Township Government Center

3934 N State Road 161 | Richland, Indiana

Ohio Township Firestation (REO)

963 N. CR 275 W | Rockport, Indiana

Santa Claus Community Center

200 North Holiday Blvd | Santa Claus, Indiana