Please read first: It is very important for you to know that when you sign a Court document, you may be helping or hurting your case. Before you sign any Court document or get involved with a Court case, it is important that you see a lawyer to make sure you are doing the right thing. Although there are risks in self-representation, should you choose to represent yourself you must be prepared. Although these forms have been prepared to help you represent yourself, you should know that certain Courts have their own procedures and may not accept every form.
You may represent yourself in court, but you will have to abide by the appropriate court rules, Indiana Rules of Evidence, Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure, and any local rules. For additional information, you may refer to the Indiana Self-Service Legal Center. For legal advice about your case, you should get in touch with a lawyer.
The Spencer County Clerk’s Office is responsible under Indiana law for the collection of support payments ordered paid through this office by the Spencer County Courts. Spencer County Prosecutor’s office or private counsel may pursue enforcement of child support orders; this office receives, disburses, and accounts for the payments.
Critical Account Information: Where Do You Live?
Of critical importance to the Spencer County Clerk's Child Support Division is information needed to properly receive child support payments and disburse them to the recipient. The Clerk's Office needs the name, current address, and social security number of the payor and the recipient. Without basic account information about the payor and recipient, we may be unable to properly credit payment to an account or disburse it to the intended recipient. Of course, any change in address for either party should also be reported to the Child Support Division to insure the proper posting and disbursement of payments. In addition to the obvious need of this information for the disbursement of support to recipients, the information is needed for all payors who receive mailings from this office (e.g. docket fee payment notices, etc.).
Payment Methods
Cash payment only.
Child Support Payment Histories Available
Child support payment histories may be obtained by the parties at the Child Support Office by coming in person and bringing your photo identification. There is a $1 fee for each page of payment you are requesting. However, payors and recipients can also access the automated telephone system at 800-840-8757 to verify recent payments, disbursements, and court order information.
Payment Methods
We receive monies from “payors” through various means. Some are ordered to pay weekly, while others submit payments semi-monthly or even monthly. Our child support office is located in the Spencer County Courthouse, Room 8, second floor.
Temporary & Permanent Changes in Support Amount
In many cases, the Child Support guidelines and court orders may allow for a temporary change in child support payment amounts (e.g. summer visitation with the non-custodial parent may reduce the support obligation). In other cases, permanent changes may result from a modification of the child support order. If there is a modification in your support order, you need to make sure the Clerk's Office is aware of the modification so your money can be disbursed properly.