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Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

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  • Current: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program

Grant Status Closed

Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. While funds can be used to support a broad range of activities, the program places emphasis on breaking the cycle of substance use and crime, combating violence, holding offenders accountable, reinforcing law enforcement efforts, supporting adjudication and enhancing technology and information sharing.

Program Areas

In general, JAG funds may be used to hire additional personnel and/or purchase equipment, supplies, contractual support, training, technical assistance, and information systems for criminal justice, including for any one or more of the following program areas:

  • Law enforcement programs.
  • Prosecution and court programs.
  • Prevention and education programs.
  • Corrections and community corrections programs.
  • Drug treatment and enforcement programs.
  • Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs.
  • Mental health programs related to law enforcement and corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams.

This JAG award will be used to support criminal justice initiatives that fall under one or more of the allowable program areas above. Funded programs or initiatives may include multi-jurisdictional drug and gang task forces, crime prevention and domestic violence programs, courts, corrections, treatment, justice information sharing initiatives, or other programs aimed at reducing crime and/or enhancing public/officer safety.


State agencies, units of local government, and units of tribal governments are eligible to apply for JAG program funding.

A local unit of government is defined as: a city, county, town, township, or other political subdivision of a state; any law enforcement district or judicial enforcement district that is established under applicable state law and has authority to, in a manner independent of other state entities, establish a budget and impose taxes; and includes Indian tribes which perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. A city or county jurisdiction must be the fiscal agent on behalf of city and county departments.

Byrne JAG is a reimbursement-based grant. If selected, subrecipients must adhere to all of the requirements outlined in the request for proposal.

The award period for this grant cycle is from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.

Applications for funding should fall under one of the JAG funding priority areas identified below. Priority will be given to programs that address one of the JAG funding priority areas and demonstrate evidence- based practices.

  • Law Enforcement Accreditation, Policy Development, and Training includes law enforcement accreditation and developing and maintaining policies and law enforcement training focused on addressing those areas most likely to promote trust, transparency, and accountability, including use of force, racial profiling, implicit bias, procedural justice, and duty to intervene.
  • Technologies to Support Transparency and Information Sharing between Law Enforcement and Communities includes software and hardware solutions designed to enhance agency transparency with the capability of facilitating information sharing with the public, promoting an agency’s work, and developing data-driven programs that improve public safety and build trust. Examples could include, but are not limited to, the sharing of information about crime statistics, locations of              criminal activity, aggregated information regarding internal affairs complaints, resolutions of cases and issues in the community, support for community surveys, and outreach to residents to gather feedback.
  • Priority to Evidence-Based and/or Best Practices: ICJI understands the importance of the collection and analysis of sound, relevant criminal justice data. Qualitative and quantitative data should be used in conjunction with program evaluations to measure program effectiveness and determine whether outcome goals have been achieved. Priority is given to programs that formulate their processes, activities, effectiveness, and outcomes, in conjunction with evidence-based practice standards, as indicated on resources such as the National Institute of Justice’s website. It is important to move toward evidence-based programs and focus funding on programs that work and produce results. New and innovative programs should be designed using evidence-based practices, when applicable. Adjustments or deviations from the evidence-based practice, as it is customized to the Indiana program, should be identified during the planning stages.
  • Crime and Violence Reduction Strategies: In December of 2022, Indiana invested in new police technology to decrease homicides, shootings, and robberies. With the help of Project Safe Neighborhoods, some law enforcement departments were able to add moveable trailer cameras. These cameras equate to about 60 views.  These cameras capture real time crime. Since the implementation of movable trailer cameras in Indiana, homicides have declined by thirteen (13) percent and robberies by six (6) percent (CDE, 2024). The clearance rate of weapon related arrests increased two (2) percent from 2022 to 2023. Indiana prioritizes reductions strategies as it relates to the reduction of crime and violence. ICJI encourages state and local applicants to utilize JAG funds for the purpose of reducing crime and violence.


Programs and plans considering information sharing should be familiar with the Global Criminal Justice Information Sharing Standards. In order to promote information sharing and enable interoperability among disparate systems across the justice and public safety community, ICJI requires the applicant to comply with DOJ's Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative guidelines and recommendations for this award. Applicants must conform to the Global Standards Package (GSP) and all constituent elements, where applicable, as described in the Global Standards Package Grant Condition. Recipients must document planned approaches to information sharing and describe compliance to the GSP and appropriate privacy policy that protects shared information or provide detailed justification for why an alternative approach is recommended.


A MJTF is a program that integrates a minimum of three agencies in at least two Indiana counties, or the integration of at least two county task forces which show collaboration with state and federal law enforcement agencies for the purpose of enhancing interagency coordination, intelligence, and facilitating multi-jurisdictional investigations.


  • Detail a comprehensive strategy that includes undercover investigation, direction, and control of confidential informants, drug interdiction efforts, and prosecutorial support.
  • Attach copies of policies and procedures concerning task force asset forfeitures and program income.
  • Ensure task force members’ required training is complete.
  • A memorandum of understanding between all participating agencies must be submitted to ICJI with the first quarter reports.



Applications requesting confidential funds must read and comply with the requirements set forth in the DOJ Financial Guide. Additionally, all applications including a request for confidential funds must provide the Confidential Fund Certification.


If JAG funds are used for DNA testing of evidentiary materials, any resulting eligible profiles must be uploaded to the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) by a government DNA lab with access to CODIS. No profiles generated with JAG funds may be entered into any other nongovernmental DNA database.


Subrecipients seeking JAG funding for problem solving court programs should provide the following at the time of application:

  • Copy of Certification as an Indiana Problem Solving Court.
  • Policies and procedures related to operation of the program.
  • The schedule for fees charged to participants.
  • Copy of all agreements with service providers working with the court. This is not to be limited to only treatment providers, but should include those providing education services, job enhancement skills, individual/family behavioral counseling, etc.


Any approved conferences or trainings must abide by the Office of Justice Programs policy on conference  costs, including related expenses for lodging and transportation. Visit the DOJ Financial Guide and State of Indiana travel policies for the most updated and current eligible conference information, as cost limitations are dependent upon overall cost and costs per attendee.

JAG funds may not be used (directly or indirectly) for any purpose prohibited by federal statute or regulation, including those purposes specifically prohibited by the JAG Program statute as set forth in 34 U.S.C. ยง 10152. JAG funds may not be used (directly or indirectly) for security enhancements or equipment for nongovernmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety. Additionally, grant funds may not be used for any of the following items:

  • Vehicles, vessels, drones, or aircraft.
  • Luxury items.
  • Real estate.
  • Construction projects.
  • Any similar matters or items as identified by the DOJ.
  • Weapons and/or accessories.
  • Fuel.
  • Ammunition (lethal or non-lethal).
  • Electronic Immobilization Devices (“EID”).
  • Military-type equipment.
  • Repair and maintenance for equipment obtained through the DoD program.
  • Canines and related expenses.
  • Restitution payments.
  • First Class travel.
  • Pre-agreement costs.
  • Daily subsistence within the targeted service area. Daily subsistence can only be requested if    travel occurs outside the targeted service area and in accordance with such rules established by the Indiana Department of Administration.

Rental costs are limited to fair market value for similar facilities in your locality. Rental rates in excess of this amount will need special approval.

Calculation and reimbursement for mileage, per diem, and lodging cannot exceed state rates.
Learn more.

Additionally, federal law prohibits the use of federal funds for certain activities irrespective of the federal funding source or the specifics of the grant program. These prohibitions include but may not be limited to:

  • Lobbying.
  • Fundraising.
  • State and local taxes.
  • Entertainment.
  • Fines and penalties.
  • Home office workspace and related utilities.
  • Honoraria.
  • Passport charges.
  • Tips.
  • Food and/or beverages.
  • Membership fees to organizations whose primary activity is lobbying.
  • Land acquisition.
  • Bonuses or commissions.

Matching or cost sharing means the portion of project costs not paid by federal funds. Match is typically stated as a percentage of the total project costs for an award.

There is no match requirement for first year and second year JAG subrecipients. All other programs and subrecipients must follow the match requirement schedule listed below. In order to continue funding new programs, ICJI has eliminated funding for the continuation of JAG programs after five (5) years of funding.

  • 3rd year – 25% match
  • 4th year – 50% match
  • 5th year – 75% match
  • 6th year – Ineligible for JAG funding

Applicants may satisfy the match requirement with cash, in-kind services, or program income funds. In order to calculate match funds, please refer to the following formula:

  1. Award Amount ÷ Percent of Federal Share = Total Project Cost
  2. Total Project Cost × Percent of Recipient Share = Required Match

Example: A subrecipient is awarded $150,000 in federal funding. The match requirement is a 25/75 ratio (federal percentage/recipient percentage).

$150,000 ÷ 0.75 = $200,000 (Total Project Cost)
$200,000 × 0.25 = $50,000 (Required Match)

Additionally, matching funds must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Must be verifiable from the subrecipient’s records;
  • Are not included as contributions for any other federal award;
  • Are necessary and reasonable for the accomplishment of the project or program objectives;
  • Are allowable under 2 C.F.R. 200.400;
  • Are not paid by the federal government under another federal award, except where authorized by federal statute;
  • Are provided for in the approved budget; and
  • Conform to all other provisions of 2 C.F.R. Part 200.

Match is restricted to the same use of funds as allowed for federal funds. If the expenditure is not allowable with federal funds, it is not allowable with match funds.

Applicants must identify all sources of the non-federal portion of the total project costs (i.e., match funds), and applicants must explain how the match funds will be used in the budget narrative section of the application within IntelliGrants.

State Reporting

Subrecipients are required to submit quarterly programmatic and fiscal reports in IntelliGrants. Upon submission, an ICJI grant manager will then review and approve or deny the reports. Each program report and fiscal report must be approved by ICJI prior to seeking reimbursement.

IntelliGrants Login

Federal Reporting

Additionally, subrecipients are required to submit quarterly programmatic reports via the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Performance Measurement Tool.

Performance Measurement Tool

JAG Webinars

Developed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, multiple webinar trainings are now provided to assist grantees with their reporting on the JAG Accountability Measures. Grantees are encouraged to review each training module that applies to the use of their program funds.

JAG Overview

View Webinar

General Information

View Webinar


View Webinar

JAG Program Modules

Law Enforcement
Crime Lab/Forensics
Crime Prevention
Public Defense
Community Corrections
Behavioral Health
Assessment & Evaluation
Crime Victim / Witness Services

  • 2022 Awards

    Number of Awards: 50
    Total Amount Awarded: $3,326,740.07



    Award Amount

    Indiana State Police



    Indiana State Excise Police



    Indiana State Police



    Indiana Department of Correction



    Indiana State Police



    Indiana DNR Law Enforcement Division



    Boone County Prosecutor’s Office



    Boone County Sheriff's Office



    Cass County Prosecutor’s Office



    Clark County Sheriff's Office



    Sellersburg Police Department



    Frankfort Police Department



    Huntingburg Police Department



    Wakarusa Police Department



    Goshen City Police Department



    City of Fishers



    Cicero Police Department



    Avon Police Department



    Town of Knightstown



    Jefferson County Prosecutor’s Office



    Edinburgh Police Department



    Knox County Sheriff's Department



    Vincennes Police Department



    Pierceton Police Department



    Kosciusko County Sheriff's Department



    Town of Claypool



    Winona Lake Police Department



    Cedar Lake Police Department



    Crown Point Police Department



    Hobart Police Department



    Summitville Police Department



    Indianapolis-Marion County Forensic Services Agency



    Marion County Prosecutor’s Office



    Marshall County Prosecutor’s Office



    Stinesville Police Department



    Noble County Sheriff's Department



    Cannelton Police Department



    Tell City Police Department



    Pike County Government



    Posey County Sheriff's Office



    Carthage Police Department



    South Bend Police Department

    St. Joseph


    Shelburn Police Department



    Sullivan Police Department



    Tippecanoe County Drug Task Force



    West Lafayette Police Department



    Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office



    Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office



    Evansville Police Department



    Vigo County Sheriff's Office



  • Past RFPs
  • 2023 Awards
    OrganizationCountyAward Amount
    Goshen City Police Department
    Pierceton  Police DepartmentKosciusko $38,738.40
    Indiana State PoliceMarion$223,653.00
    Indianapolis-Marion County Forensic Services AgencyMarion$26,014.48
    Hobart Police DepartmentLake$58,244.20
    Indiana State PoliceMarion$110,240.00
    Winona Lake Police DepartmentKosciusko $41,315.65
    Jackson County Sheriff's DepartmentJackson$191,149.20
    Connersville Police DepartmentFayette $71,000.00
    Tippecanoe County Drug Task ForceTippecanoe$5,000.00
    Milford Indiana Police DepartmentKosciusko $93,149.93
    Jefferson County Prosecutor's OfficeJefferson$56,835.11
    Roseland Police DepartmentSt. Joseph$94,645.20
    Monroe County Prosecutor's OfficeMonroe$24,935.00
    Vanderburgh County Prosecutor's OfficeVanderburgh$162,230.89
    Parke County EMAParke$32,400.00
    Lake County Sheriff's DepartmentLake $70,303.00
    LaPorte   Police DepartmentLaPorte$354,978.50
    Indiana State PoliceMarion$70,710.00
    Clark County Sherif's OfficeClark$51,261.60
    Battle Ground Police DepartmentTippecanoe$29,212.74
    Madison County Community CorrectionsMadison$9,390.00
    Wakarusa Police DepartmentElkhart$101,238.80
    Greenwood Police DepartmentJohnson $10,952.02
    Avon Police DepartmentHendricks$24,000.00
    Hagerstown Police DepartmentWayne$30,000.00
    South Bend Police DepartmentSt. Joseph$154,904.00
    North Manchester Police DepartmentWabash$70,503.03
    Cadiz Police Department Henry$29,472.48
    Indiana Department of Natural ResourcesMarion$126,000.00
    Evansville Police DepartmentVanderburgh$82,334.00
    Boone County Prosecutor's OfficeBoone$84,060.37
    Fayette County Sheriff's DepartmentFayette $42,600.00
    Marion County Prosecutor's OfficeMarion$110,748.00
    Decatur County Sheriff's OfficeDecatur$194,762.88
    Monrovia Police DepartmentMorgan$12,675.00
    Indiana Department of CorrectionMarion$85,719.28
    Delphi Police DepartmentCarroll$122,164.00
    Cumberland Police DepartmentMarion$126,515.20
    Greens Fork Police DepartmentWayne $64,800.00
    Madison County Prosecutor's OfficeMadison$210,518.77
    Warren County Sheriff's OfficeWarren$33,250.00
    Homecroft Police DepartmentMarion$6,430.00
    Lawrence County Sheriff's DepartmentLawerence$76,059.00
    Lizton Police DepartmentHendricks$36,500.00
    Ferdinand Police DepartmentDubois$16,010.90
    Indiana Sheriffs' Association Inc Statewide $500,000.00
  • 2024 Awards
    OrganizationCountyAward Amount
    Goshen City Police DepartmentElkhart$60,750.00
    Pierceton Police DepartmentKosciusko $38,738.40
    Indiana State Police (DES)Marion$223,653.00
    Indianapolis-Marion Co. Forensic Services AgencyMarion$26,014.48
    Hobart Police DepartmentLake$58,244.20
    Indiana State Police (MSU)Marion$110,240.00
    Winona Lake Police DepartmentKosciusko $41,315.65
    Jackson Co. Sheriff's DepartmentJackson$191,149.20
    Connersville Police DepartmentFayette $71,000.00
    Tippecanoe Co. Drug Task ForceTippecanoe$5,000.00
    Milford Indiana Police DepartmentKosciusko $93,149.93
    Jefferson Co. Prosecutor's OfficeJefferson$56,835.11
    Roseland Police DepartmentSt. Joseph$94,645.20
    Monroe Co. Prosecutor's OfficeMonroe$24,935.00
    Vanderburgh Co. Prosecutor's OfficeVanderburgh$162,230.89
    Parke Co. EMAParke$32,400.00
    Lake Co. Sheriff's DepartmentLake $70,303.00
    LaPorte Police DepartmentLaPorte$354,978.50
    Indiana State Police  (U.S. Attorney Conference)Marion$70,710.00
    Clark Co. Sherif's OfficeClark$51,261.60
    Battle Ground Police DepartmentTippecanoe$29,212.74
    Madison Co. Community CorrectionsMadison$9,390.00
    Wakarusa   Police DepartmentElkhart$101,238.80
    Greenwood Police DepartmentJohnson $10,952.02
    Avon Police DepartmentHendricks$24,000.00
    Hagerstown   Police DepartmentWayne$30,000.00
    South Bend Police DepartmentSt. Joseph$154,904.00
    North Manchester Police DepartmentWabash$70,503.03
    Cadiz Police Department Henry$29,472.48
    Indiana Department of Natural ResourcesMarion$126,000.00
    Evansville Police DepartmentVanderburgh$82,334.00
    Boone Co. Prosecutor's OfficeBoone$84,060.37
    Fayette Co. Sheriff's DepartmentFayette $42,600.00
    Marion Co.  Prosecutor's OfficeMarion$110,748.00
    Decatur County Sheriff's OfficeDecatur$194,762.88
    Monrovia Police DepartmentMorgan$12,675.00
    Indiana Department of CorrectionMarion$85,719.28
    Delphi  Police DepartmentCarroll$122,164.00
    Cumberland  Police DepartmentMarion$126,515.20
    Greens Fork  Police DepartmentWayne $64,800.00
    Madison Co. Prosecutor's OfficeMadison$210,518.77
    Warren Co. Sheriff's OfficeWarren$33,250.00
    Homecroft Police DepartmentMarion$6,430.00
    Lawrence County Sheriff's DepartmentLawerence$76,059.00
    Lizton Police DepartmentHendricks$36,500.00
    Ferdinand  Police DepartmentDubois$16,010.90
    Indiana Sheriffs' Association IncStatewide$500,000.00

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the ICJI Helpdesk, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, except state holidays. ICJI is not responsible for technical issues with grant submission within 48 hours of grant deadline. For assistance with any other requirements of this solicitation, please contact: Sam Terry, Butch Michael or Adam Bloemker

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