The BMV is using this webpage to provide information to law enforcement professionals, court personnel, court clerks, attorneys and other legal professionals regarding areas of legal interest to those practitioners.

Insurance Information

Reporting And Obtaining Records

Indiana Driver’s License and ID Card Security and Authenticity
Insurance Information
SR22 requirement
Pursuant to Indiana Code section 9-30-6-12(b), a person whose driving privileges are suspended under Indiana Code 9-30-5, 9-30-6 or 9-30-9 must have and maintain proof of financial responsibility for three years following the termination of the suspension. These people must show the proof of financial responsibility by ensuring that an “SR22” form is filed with the BMV. Pursuant to statute, this requirement applies to people who are charged and/or convicted of one of the qualifying offenses.
Reporting And Obtaining Records
Current court abstract form SR16
Courts and Clerksplease contact for the current version, or to notify the BMV of court orders pertaining to driving related violations.
Prosecuting attorney request for information
All prosecutors, who do not use's premium service, must use the form below to request information about Indiana drivers who are being investigated or prosecuted for an offense. Be sure to copy and paste the text to your office's official letterhead before submitting to the BMV.
Prosecuting Attorney Request for Information Form (MS Word)
Record request form
Requests for driving records, motor vehicle title and registration records, and watercraft records can be made by completing the form below and submitting it to the BMV or by subscribing to premium services.
Indiana Driver’s License and ID Card Security and Authenticity
Although a state-issued driver’s license was originally intended only to document a person’s qualification to operate a motor vehicle, it has evolved into the most common identification document used by government and business entities. As a result of the rampant growth of identity theft, use of altered or counterfeit driver’s license has increased as well. To combat this issue, Indiana has enacted stringent requirements regarding the documents that must be presented in order for a credential applicant to prove his/her identity, residency, and lawful presence in the United States. BMV branch associates are trained to recognize counterfeit and/or fraudulent identity documents. Indiana has also enhanced the security features in all state-issued driver’s license and identification cards to deter alteration and counterfeiting. The below linked flyer will assist law enforcement and other legal professionals recognize fraudulent Indiana driver’s license and identification cards.