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Victim Services

The Office of the Indiana Attorney General is committed to providing services and assistance to survivors of crime. The Indiana Constitution guarantees victims of crime fairness, respect, and dignity. The office sustains that promise by supporting those affected directly, and indirectly, by crime in Indiana. The office provides support by administering the Address Confidentiality Program, Hope Card Program, and Appellate Victim Notification Programs.

Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

The Address Confidentiality Program allows victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, harassment, intimidation or invasion of privacy to maintain a confidential address through the Attorney General’s Office. It’s not witness protection, nor is it a total guarantee of safety. It’s simply one thing victims of such crimes can do to help take their lives back. Many times, a confidential address is part of a larger, overall safety plan.

Hope Card Program

The Indiana Hope Card Program allows anyone with a valid, long-term, order of protection for domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault to request a card that summarizes the order's most important details. Click here for more information.

Appellate Victim Notification Program

After defendants are convicted of crimes and sentenced, they can choose to appeal. When they do, the Office of the Attorney General represents the state and works diligently to keep the criminals in jail or prison. The Appellate Victim Notification Program assists victims of crime during the appeals stage by helping them understand and cope with the process. It keeps victims informed and involved throughout the appellate proceedings and can also help provide referrals to other services.

Violent Crime Victim Compensation Fund

Victims interested in seeking financial assistance through the Indiana Violent Crime Victim Compensation Fund can learn more on the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s website.

Other Helpful Links

Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Indiana Sex & Violent Offender Registry

Information Regarding Dr. Ulrich Klopfer

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