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Advisory Opinions

Advisory OpinionDescriptionLink
24-02Advertising of Primary Source of Supply & Retailer Permit PremisesPDF
24-01Club Permits & Carryout PrivilegesPDF
23-04Taking Alcoholic Beverages onto Licensed Hotel PremisesPDF
23-02Craft Manufacturers & Prohibited InterestsPDF
23-01Out-of-State Shipments by Wine DealersPDF
22-05Hop Water Commodity ClassificationPDF
22-04Offering Price Discounts to ConsumersPDF
22-03Wholesaler Product AvailabilityPDF
22-02Wholesaler Offering Additional ServicesPDF
22-01Revitalyte ® as a Permissible Commodity PDF
21-03Farm Winery Purchasing Unlabeled Bottles of Wine for Labeling and SalePDF
21-02Acceptable Payment Methods to WholesalersPDF
21-01Allowable Returns to Beer WholesalersPDF
19-08Permissible Container for the Purpose of Carry OutPDF
19-07Alcohol Delivery by a Beer, Wine & Liquor DealerPDF
19-06Patio UmbrellasPDF
19-05Brewery Separation WallsPDF
19-04Legality of Outdoor BarsPDF
19-03Use of ATC Letters of Authority for an Extended Period of TimePDF
19-02Can Small Brewer's Permit Produce Seltzer WaterPDF
19-01Retail Permits within Grocery StoresPDF