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“Family Centered Services”  (Programmatic)

Can the max caseload for Home -Based Therapist be higher if the service is not intensive? How as the max caseload for therapists (Home-Based) determined? Our therapists provide therapy in collaboration with case managers and one in the home less often as the case mgmt is more intensive.

As found in state code IC 31-26-5-6, it is stipulated that Family preservation service workers have a maximum caseload of twelve (12) families, which as you have indicated is different than the caseload size for intensive services.

Collateral ---will DCS be doing more case management in the practice reform making the HBFCC "collateral" work less a part of the job? This has impact on the rates.

As practice reform unfolds there will come the need for greater collaboration between DCS Family Case Managers and contracted service providers. Collateral work will continue to be part of the job for both the DCS case manager, and the contract service provider.

The services standards for Intensive Family Preservation and Intensive Family Reunification require providers to also have a contract for Home Based Family Centered Casework (HBFCC).  Can a provider submit a proposal to provide HBFCC as a separate service and not provide the intensive services?


Homemaker Services --In one place it states that written reports must be submitted monthly and in another place it states no less than quarterly.  Which is it?

The word quarterly should be monthly.


Homemaker Services ---Services must be established by a DCS case plan.  The target population is 1) children and families with substantiated abuse and/or abuse with a moderate to high level of risk 2) Children with a status of CHINS and or JD or JS.  Under expectations-3 it states we can provide transportation in the course of assisting the client to fulfill the case plan or informal adjustment.  Must the child be a CHINS?  Can we serve families on IA’s?  Can we serve families on safety plans?  Must DCS submit the plan with the referral?

The categorical qualifiers as listed in the target population are the CHINS, JD/JS, or it can be an IA case. DCS can submit the plan with the referral; it is up to the discretion of the local DCS office. 

Visitation with child is a service component of Parent Aid/Homemaker.  Does this mean that the worker can supervise visits for DCS?

The operable word in your question is “supervise”.  Within the Home Based Homemaker/Parent Aid service standards, visitation is part of the agency service plan, performed by a paraprofessional and is an informal service structure, which is different than the supervised visitation as described in the Visitation Facilitation-Parent/Child Sibling service standard which is performed in a formal session/ report, by a degreed service provider.   

Since the Intensive Reunification Services are limited to 28 days, will DCS automatically issue a written Casework referral prior to the end of the 28 days so that the provider can issue safety, step-down monitoring, and ongoing family support?

It is not automatic, it is dependent on need. It is very important that there be a lot of communication between the IFPS or IFRS worker and the FCM during the intensive phase of the services so that a referral can be made if necessary.

Under the Service Delivery requirements for Intensive Services, providers are given the option of refusing or terminating services within 72 hours if “the safety of the child cannot be reasonably assured”.  Does that mean a provider is assuming liability for a child’s safety by accepting a referral?

Service providers have liability for the services they provide and for whom they provide services, a referral from DCS does not alter agency liability.

The RFP indicates that Home-Based Family-Centered Casework will be used for pre-Intensive Reunification Services and for post-Intensive Preservation Services.  Will Home-Based Family-Centered Casework also be used for post-Intensive Reunification Services?

It could if needed.

 Our current supervisor for Homebased Intensive reunification and Preservation services has a master's degree, but is not licensed? can she still function in that position to oversee the casemanagers since our overall Clinical Director is a LCSW, ACSW, LMHC?

The direct line supervisor for Home Based Intensive Family Preservation and Intensive Family Reunification must  have a Master’s degree (as specified in the standards) with a current license issued by the Indiana Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist or Mental Health Counselor Board as one of the following: 1) Clinical Social Worker 2) Marriage and Family Therapist 3) Mental Health Counselor

Do licensed therapists providing  HBFCTS require supervision from another licensed therapist?

Do HBFCTS who are not licensed, but have the required 3 years related clinical experience require supervision from a licensed therapist?

Yes, the therapist for Home Based Family Centered Therapy must be supervised by a person meeting the qualifications as specified in the standards.  

HBFCCC - Since the "scores will be improved on the Risk Assessment and needs and strengths assessment instruments in ICWIS is part of the outcome measure, will information about the areas being scored be available with the referral?

The information about the ICWIS Risk Assessment and the Needs and Strengths Assessment is available at the point of referral at the discretion of the local DCS office. 

Page 40, Goal # 1, Item #4:  Please clarify what “participation in Child and Family Team meetings will be accomplished as soon as possible” means. 

Since it is up to the DCS office to facilitate and organize the Child and Family Team meetings, it is not possible for the service standards to establish timeframes for agency involvement in these meetings.

Page 46, Item 13:  Please clarify “supervisors maintain constant direct contact with clients.”

Page 46 is discussing supervision for Intensive Family Preservation. In the Homebuilders Model duties for supervisors includes interaction between the supervisor, the direct worker (therapist) and the client family. The model explains that the supervisor would accompany each direct worker on a home visit at least quarterly for direct workers with less than 2 years of Homebuilders experience, or at least semi-annually for direct workers with more that 2 years of Homebuilders experience, in order to routinely observe the direct workers skills and to provide support and training. The required fundamental supervision for Homebuilders will go into more detail about these issues. 

HBFCC-Are approved services for all family members listed on the referral or only those individuals who are specifically selected out of the family group?

Specifically with Home Based Family Centered Casework, the service standards focus would be on the child(ren) within the structure of the family. DCS and the family define who are members of the family. Persons listed on the referral as family members can receive services that can be billed as face-to-face. Other persons involved in the intervention process would be considered "collateral contacts" but are not considered part of the family. (neighbors, clergy, school personnel, etc.)

HBFCC - Will contractor have access to the DCS case plan to assist in focusing on limited objectives of treatment?

The DCS case plan is available for the contractor, at the discretion of the local DCS office.

HBFCC - Will the scores on the Risk Assessment and needs and strengths assessment in ICWIS be shared with contract providers?

The scores on the Risk Assessment and the needs and Strengths Assessment are available to the contractor at the discretion of the local DCS office.

IFPS-Is the therapist, referenced in the Service Delivery section, the same as the “direct worker” even if the individual only meets the Bachelor’s degree and work experience qualifications?


The title of therapist in the Home-Based Intensive Family Preservation and Intensive Family Reunification is different from the usage of the title of therapist in other service standards. You must combine the use of the title in the standard with the qualifications specified by each standard

Homemaker/Parent-Aid - What is the number of homemaker service referrals, by region, for the past grant cycle?

This information is not available.

Homemaker/Parent-Aid - Are wait lists appropriate for homemaker / parent aid referrals?

Waiting lists are not prohibited for Home-Based Homemaker/Parent Aid referrals, but discussion should be happening between the provider and DCS. Dependent on the needs of the family the local DCS may have to refer the family to other appropriate services.

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