LaFontaine Town Hall
13 W. Branson Street
(765) 981 - 4591
Business Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- To Start or Stop Water, Wastewater, Sanitation, and Storm Water Services, please stop in at the Town Hall during regular business hours:
Please come prepared to fill out a Utility Service request form with ID and deposit payment of $215.00 ($100.00 water, $100.00 wastewater, $15.00 turn-on fee).
We can not turn on your services until the Utility Service form, Driver's License or State ID, and the deposit payment have been processed in person.
- Sanitation Pick-up: Sanitation is picked up on Tuesday. Please have your receptacles out to the curb not blocking driveways or mailboxes by 6 am and removed by 6 pm. Sanitation will be delayed by one day following holidays: New Year's Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Requests for a second receptacle, smaller more manageable "senior" receptacles, or replacement receptacles can be made by calling the Town Hall.
- Pay Utility Bill Utility bills (water, wastewater, sanitation, and stormwater) are sent out at the beginning of every month and are due on the 17th by 4:00 PM.
- You can pay your utility bill by:
- Pay online with a credit card.
- Phone (866) 480-8552 with a credit card.
- Pay in person with cash, credit card, or check at Town Hall, Monday-Friday 8 am - 4 pm
- By mail to PO BOX 207, LaFontaine, IN 46940
- Dropbox in the alley by Town Hall at 13 W. Branson, LaFontaine, IN.
- You can pay your utility bill by: