Exemptions do exist for the indigent, those with a religious objection to being photographed, and those living in state-licensed facilities that serve as their precinct's polling place. If you are wishing to claim an exemption from the photo ID requirement based on indigence or a religious objection, you may do so in one of two ways:
- Go the polls on Election Day, and cast a provisional ballot. Within 10 days of the election, visit the county election office and affirm that an exemption applies to you.
- Vote absentee-in-person at the county election office before Election Day, and while there, affirm that an exemption applies to you.
If you are a resident at a state-licensed facility that serves as your polling place, you may claim the exemption at the polls on Election Day.
If you are a resident of a state-licensed facility that serves as a satellite absentee voting office, you may claim the exemption when voting absentee before election day.
If you are unable or unwilling to present photo ID on Election Day, you may cast a provisional ballot. Upon casting a provisional ballot, you have until noon 10 days after the election to follow up with the County Election Board and either provide photo ID or affirm one of the law's exemptions applies to you.
Also, if you qualify to vote absentee-by-mail or absentee-by-traveling board, and you chose to vote as such, you are not required to present photo ID. Please view the Absentee Voting section of the Voter Information Portal to view the absentee ballot applications and the Absentee Voter's Bill of Rights.