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Victim Services

The staff at the Morgan County Jail understands the importance to assist victims of crimes. We have compiled an array of resource that we hope can assist victims during their recovery and healing process. ​

Victim Notification System

Indiana SAVIN stands for Statewide Automated Victim Information & Notification. The Indiana SAVIN program is a free, automated hotline that provides crime victims with vital information and notification 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service will allow you to obtain offender information and to register for notification of a change in offender status, such as offender release. All registrations through Indiana SAVIN are kept completely confidential.

Notifying residents in an emergency used to be a long and tedious process. Officials had to rely on door-to-door contact or the media to get the word out. When an emergency occurs, officials can access the ALERT Notification Service and notify nearby residents within minutes. In the event of an escape, registrants receive detailed information about the escapee, including physical description and time of escape. Registrants will also be notified of emergency situations in and around correctional facilities.

There is no costs for these services and citizens can register now.

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Prosecutor Assistance

The Morgan County Victim Assistance Division is available to assist all victims of crime. In an effort to assist crime victims, our services include making referrals to many different agencies including a Women’s Shelter, Violent Crime Compensation Fund, counseling agencies, and many others.

Our Victim Assistance Division can provide the necessary connection for the victim with the prosecutor’s office and law enforcement. Our Victim Assistance Division provides the help victims need to deal with issues or problems they are having as a result of the crime. We also provide information and guidance about the criminal justice system. There are no fees for our services.

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Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

ICADV pursue a vision where all people engage in healthy relationships characterized by the mutual sharing of resources, responsibilities and affection; where youth are nurtured with those expectations; and where all people are supported within a society committed to equality in relationships and equity in opportunity as fundamental human rights.

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Desert Rose Foundation

Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families. Desert Rose provides a safe environment for women, with or without children.

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