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National Service

AmeriCorps consists of many national and state programs.  The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) provides funding and oversight for AmeriCorps and Senior Corps programs.

AmeriCorps*State AmeriCorps*VISTA AmeriCorps*NCCC  AmeriCorps Seniors

Serve Indiana’s Role

Serve Indiana receives funding from AmeriCorps to operate the AmeriCorps* State program in Indiana.  

Serve Indiana manages the grant application process for AmeriCorps*State, including issuing requests for proposals, conducting application reviews, and awarding grants based on  Serve Indiana Commission guidance. The office provides technical training and support to sub-grantees and in turn, monitors programs, host-sites, and members to ensure compliance to federal and state grant requirements. The performance of each program is tracked and measured to established targets and outcomes. Programs are expected to manage their projects with the end goal of sustainability beyond the grant.

Get Involved

Individuals interested in serving through AmeriCorps click here.

Nonprofits and community organizations interested in starting an AmeriCorps* State program click here.

Other National Service Programs in Indiana

Other National Service Programs exist in Indiana.  For more information regarding these programs, please contact the representative offices below.


AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) is a professional and rigorous national volunteer service program which provides full-time volunteer members to agencies, institutions and organizations to create and expand initiatives that ultimately bring low-income individuals and communities out of poverty. Members serve full-time for a year with nonprofit groups, public agencies, and faith-based organizations throughout the country. VISTA projects focus solely on building permanent capacity and infrastructure through the work of VISTA members. Founded in 1967 and incorporated into the AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993, VISTA members have been providing extraordinary service for over 43 years.

To find out more information about VISTA and AmeriCorps Seniors please contact AmeriCorps at  or visit their website.

AmeriCorps Seniors

Senior Corps connects today’s over 55s with the people and organizations that need them most. We help them become mentors, coaches or companions to people in need, or contribute their job skills and expertise to community projects and organizations. Conceived during John F. Kennedy's presidency, Senior Corps currently links more than 500,000 Americans to service opportunities. Their contributions of skills, knowledge, and experience make a real difference to individuals, nonprofits, and faith-based and other community organizations throughout the United States.

  • The Foster Grandparent Program connects volunteers age 55 and over with children and young people with exceptional needs. Volunteers mentor, support, and help some of the most vulnerable children in the United States.
  • RSVP connects volunteers age 55 and over with service opportunities in their communities that match their skills and availability. From building houses to immunizing children, from enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations to improving and protecting the environment, RSVP volunteers put their unique talents to work to make a difference. If you are currently an active volunteer, you can register with RSVP without taking on additional volunteer responsibilities. When you are registered with RSVP and report hours, you help us take the story of 55+ volunteerism from a local to a national level. This ensures that federal funding comes back to the local community where volunteers serve to address community needs.
  • The Senior Companion Program brings together volunteers age 55 and over with adults in their community who have difficulty with the simple tasks of day-to-day living. Companions help out on a personal level by assisting with shopping and light chores, interacting with doctors, or just making a friendly visit.

Americans over 55 have a lifetime of experience to share, and the desire to make a real difference in their world. They’ve managed households, been business owners and nurses, farmers and salespeople, artists and executives. Now they are ready to put their unique talents and expertise to work in their communities, and enrich their own lives in the process.

To find out more information about VISTA and AmeriCorps Seniors please contact AmeriCorps at  or visit their website.


AmeriCorps*NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a 10-month, team-based, full-time residential program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24. It combines the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service, including leadership training and team building. Members serve in diverse teams of 10 to 14 individuals. Priority is given to homeland security and disaster relief projects. Teams are based at four campuses across the country and are assigned to projects in their respective regions. Approximately 1,200 members serve in AmeriCorps*NCCC each year.

To find out more information about NCCC contact the AmeriCorps NCCC office in Vinton, Iowa.  Call (319) 472-9664 or email

National Service programs are available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, political affiliation, or, in most instances, religion.