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My First Motorcycle Training Class

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My First Motorcycle Class: A look inside a Beginner Motorcycle Endorsement Class

In May 2022, Rachael Henderson and Briana Durbin, from the BMV Marketing and Communications team were invited to take part in a beginner level motorcycle training course to better understand what it takes to ride a motorcycle.

Both Rachael and Briana had little experience riding a motorcycle going into the program. “I do have some experience riding snowmobiles growing up, but that’s not quite the same thing,” Rachael said during an interview the day before class started.

“As a kid I rode passenger on [a motorcycle] but really, I’m basically brand new,” Briana commented during the same interview.

The training course took place at Dreyer Motorsports on the west side of Indianapolis. The first evening participants met to review safety and proper handling of a bike in certain situations. “[Participants] gain a lot of knowledge and they have some skills that will help them be safe,” Jeff Stokes of Ride Safe Indiana said before the first session.

Trainees listening to an RSI trainer

Bright and early the next day participants arrive at the training course. The course is a large, paved area behind the Dreyer Motorsport building. Orange traffic cones are arranged throughout the area along with white and blue lines painted on the blacktop. On day one the riders will get more familiar with their bikes, familiarizing themselves with controls and the friction zone. “A lot of folks anymore aren’t familiar with manual transmissions,” Stokes explained “so we have to introduce them to using a manual clutch.”

The class consisted of about 14 participants divided into 2 riding groups. Before each drill, an instructor would explain the exercise to make sure everyone understood. One by one, participants would complete the exercise then the instructor would offer critiques and tips to improve a maneuver. “What’s nice is [the instructors] run through [exercises] a couple, like, at least five times,” Briana said after the first day of the course “that way you can, by the fifth time, you get a better feel for, like, what you’re supposed to be doing and things get a little more natural.”

After a long day of training Briana and Rachael were ready for a good night’s sleep to prep for the skills exam the next day.

The last day of the training course is the skills exam. Much like the drills from the previous day, each rider is instructed to complete a series of drills as well as complete a written skills exam to pass the course. Despite nerves, both Rachael and Briana passed the course! “There are some very great tips and skills that you probably wouldn’t normally teach yourself,” said Rachael after being asked how the class went “or, learn on your own. Like how to do a really tight U-turn. Versus have to back your bike up and turn.”

Briana and Rachael both agree that the training course not only made them more comfortable on motorcycles but made them better drivers in general. “There’s definitely been times going down the highway, I see a motorbike […] I know what you got to go through now, so keep that aware.” Briana commented after completing the training class.

Ride Safe Indiana has over 25 Providers and Skills Exam locations in Indiana, they offer both beginner and advanced rider classes. If you are interested in finding an RSI training course near you, please visit the RSI Provider Map.

A full video of the training course with Briana and Rachael can be found on the BMV YouTube page.

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