When to Report Checklist
- Abuse
When to Report Abuse
- Sudden inability to meet essential physical, psychological, or social needs that threaten health, safety, or well-being
- Disappearing from contact with neighbors, friends, or family
- Appearing hungry, malnourished, or with sudden weight loss
- Appearing disoriented or confused
- Suddenly appearing disheveled or wearing soiled clothing
- Failing by caregiver(s) to arrive as scheduled - or disappearing without notice
- Expressing feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or insignificance
- Failing to take prescribed medications or nutritional supplements
- Blaming self for problems arising with family or caregivers
- Living in squalor or hazardous situations, such as hoarding or cluttering
- Self Neglect
When to Report Self Neglect
- Appearing disheveled, routinely in soiled and/or rumpled clothing
- Appearing with a strong odor of feces or urine
- Displaying matted or lice-infected hair
- Appearing malnourished and/or dehydrated
- Appearing inappropriately attired for climate
- Living in squalor, deteriorated buildings, or other hazardous situations
- Challenging to safely exit or enter the residence due to hoarding/cluttering
- Neglect
When to Report Neglect
- Sudden inability to meet essential physical, psychological or social needs which threatens health, safety or well-being
- Disappearing from contact with neighbors, friends or family
- Bruising or welts on the skin, especially those appearing on the face or lateral and anterior region of the arms (physically abused elders are much more likely to display bruises than seniors injured by accident)
- Fingerprints or hand prints visible on the face, neck, arms or wrists
- Burns from scalding, cigarettes, or in shapes of object such as an iron
- Cuts, lacerations or puncture wounds
- Sprains, fractures or dislocations
- Internal injuries or vomiting
- Appearing with torn, stained, bloody clothing
- Appearing disheveled, in soiled clothing or inappropriately attired for climate
- Appearing hungry, malnourished, disoriented or confused
- Exploitation
When to Report Exploitation
- Termination of vital utilities such as telephone, water, electricity/gas, or garbage
- Unpaid bills and liabilities despite adequate income
- Oversight of finances surrendered to others without explanation or consent
- Transferring assets to new “friends” assisting with finances
- Checks written to “Cash”
- Does not understand his/her current finances, offers improbable explanations
- Unexplained or unauthorized changes to wills or other estate documents
- Giving-away money or spending promiscuously
- Appearance of property liens or foreclosure notices
- HIPPA Considerations
When reporting perceived instances of elder abuse or abuse of adults with disabilities, please keep in mind the rules governing the disclosure of private medical information as outlined in the following areas of the HIPPA Privacy Rules.
HIPPA Privacy Rule 164.512c (c)
Standard: Disclosures about victims of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence(1) Permitted disclosures. Except for reports of child abuse or covered entity may disclose protected health information about an individual whom the covered entity reasonably believes to be a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence to a government authority, including a social service or protective service agency, authorized by law to receive reports of such abuse, neglect, or domestic violence: