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Utility Receipts Tax Repeal

Under a new law approved by the Indiana General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Eric J. Holcomb on Mar. 16, 2022, the Indiana Utility Receipts Tax is being repealed as of July 1, 2022.

The law requires utilities to decrease their rates to reflect the tax’s repeal. Utilities under IURC jurisdiction have proposed their decreases through the Commission’s 30-day filing procedure, an expedited process designed for consideration of non-controversial matters regarding rates and charges.

The OUCC reviewed each filing to ensure its accuracy and to ensure that rate reductions apply properly to both fixed and volumetric charges.

The OUCC and Indiana American Water Co. (IAWC) have reached an agreement in principle following the OUCC’s earlier objection to IAWC’s URT filing. IAWC has submitted a new filing to which the OUCC is not objecting

The following filing received Commission approval on July 13, 2022:

The following filings received Commission approval on July 6, 2022:

The following filings received Commission approval on June 28, 2022:

The following filings received Commission approval on June 8, 2022:

The following filings received Commission approval on June 1, 2022:

Each utility’s filing and case file can be reviewed by:

  • Visiting the Commission’s electronic document system,
  • Selecting “No” under the “Is Closed?” field, and
  • Selecting the specific utility’s name under the “Utilities” field.

This page will be updated based on case developments.
