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CenterPoint Energy Electric Rate Case

CenterPoint Energy's electric utility is requesting a rate increase in a IURC Cause No. 45590. The utility provides electric service in southwestern Indiana.

The utility initially proposed an approximately $118.8 million increase to annual revenues. It adjusted its request to $115.4 million in rebuttal testimony filed on Apr. 9, 2024.

CenterPoint Energy, industrial customers who have intervened in the case, and SABIC Innovative Plastics filed a settlement agreement on May 21, 2024 that would reduce the requested increase to $80 million.

The OUCC is not a party to the agreement and filed testimony in opposition to the settlement on July 19, 2024.

The Evansville City Council and Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana have intervened in the case and also are not parties to the proposed settlement.

The IURC may approve, deny, or modify any agreement it considers. The IURC settlement hearing has concluded. The settling parties' proposed order is due Sept. 25. Proposed orders from the non-settling parties including the OUCC are due Oct. 16.

The Commission's deadline to issue a final order has been extended to Feb. 3, 2025.

The case's current procedural schedule is available by clicking here.

Analysis by the OUCC shows that an increase of $48.3 million is warranted based on the case's evidence and applicable law, primarily due to major capital improvements that have received preapproval in prior IURC cases. The OUCC made its recommendations in written testimony in March and corrections filed in April.

The OUCC filed more than 2,300 written consumer comments for the case's formal record in March. Those comments and comments provided at the IURC's Feb. 29, 2024 public field hearing in Evansville are still in the case record and do not have to be re-submitted due to the pending settlement. Additional written comments are invited through July 12, 2024.

Natural gas rates and services are not at issue in this case.

All publicly filed documents in this case (Cause No. 45990) are available on the IURC's website.

This page will be updated based on case developments.
