Vital Records
- Fountain County
- Services
- Current: Vital Records
The Fountain County Health Department is responsible for maintaining Vital Records for both counties.
Fountain County records date from 1887. These historical records are not only interesting to look through, but they also serve as an important source of health history in our area. Detailed information on obtaining vital record information is available below.
Notary services are also available.

Birth Certificates
Certified Birth Record: $15.00/each
Additional copies of the same record: $5.00/each
Affidavit Requesting Amendment: $10.00/each
Who can obtain a Certified Record of Birth?
Family members who are considered to have a direct interest:
- The person named on the record (regardless of age with proper ID).
- Mother or Father (if name appears on the record) of the person named on the record.
- Grandparents and Great Grandparents of the person named on record.
Verification process to prove the relationship - Siblings of persons named on the record who are over the age of 21.
Verification process to prove relationship: Sibling birth certificates must show at least one parent in common. - Spouse (legal husband or wife) of the person named on the record.
Verification process to prove relationship: Another child’s birth record or marriage license. - Adult children of persons named on the record who are over the age of 21.
Step relatives are NOT entitled to a certified copy of a birth record except when there is a direct interest:
- Adoption attorney facilitating the adoption of the person named on the record.
- Child protective agency with court documentation that the child has been placed with that agency.
- Legal guardians with court-ordered guardianship papers (with raised court seal).
- Recognized government or private agency working on behalf of the person named on the record.
- A person with a court order releasing the record, or a signed release, and ID of the person named on the record.

Death Certificates
Certified Death Record: $15.00/each
Who can obtain a Certified Record of Death?
The following individuals may be issued a certified copy of a death certificate without redaction:
- Mother or Father (if name appears on the record) of the deceased.
- Grandparents and Great Grandparents of person named on record.
- Siblings of person named on the record who are over the age of 21.
- Spouse (legal husband or wife) of the deceased; must be listed as the spouse on the death certificate.
- Adult children of the deceased.
- The informant listed on the death certificate.
- The administrator, representative, executor of the will/estate for the deceased.
- Attorney representing the estate of the deceased.
All other applicants showing a direct interest but not meeting the requirements above will be issued a certified copy of the death certificate with the following items redacted:
- Social Security Number
- Communicable disease information
- All causes of death information, except the immediate cause of death
Genealogy Search: $10.00/record
All genealogy requests must be submitted in writing either
through mail, in-person, or email. Please allow 5-7 business
days for information to be released.
A representative from the Health Department will be in contact during this time to verify receipt of the request, clarify the request, and/or answer any questions.
Please contact the Registrar for further information or to schedule an appointment. Genealogy searches are conducted from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. daily.
Genealogy Application Form

Notary Services
Notary Services: No Charge
The Fountain County Health Department has a licensed professional notary on staff and is available during office hours.
“I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in Indiana and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.”