The Communications Division assists the Commission in the implementation of certain universal service programs and provides recommendations on matters such as Certificates of Territorial Authority (CTAs) for communications service providers (CSPs) and franchises for video service providers (VSPs). In addition, the Communications Division monitors regulatory proceedings and policy initiatives at the federal level to determine the impact of those policies on Indiana utilities and customers and recommends whether comments should be filed in those proceedings to help ensure the state’s interests and rights are protected.
This page focuses solely on the Division’s telecommunications and information services authority. All CSPs must have a valid CTA to offer service in Indiana. Providers must receive authorization to offer any of the following services: advanced services, broadband service, information services, Internet Protocol-enabled services, telecommunications services, or video services.
Additionally, the Commission designates all eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) in the state, which enables the carriers to obtain support from the federal Universal Service Fund (USF). The Commission has no authority over the approval of the rates and charges for communications service providers, with the exception of intrastate access rates and the Indiana Universal Service Fund (IUSF) and Indiana Telephone Relay Access Corporation (InTRAC) retail customer surcharges. The Communications Division also has some telephone number administration responsibilities.
The Division also assists the Commission in monitoring the IUSF. The Commission established the IUSF in 2007 to ensure that communications networks are built and maintained in areas of the state that are not economical to serve due to challenging terrain or extremely low-density population. Learn more. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) letter regarding the Lifeline Program.
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Page updated: 1-27-2025
- Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations
- Tariff Information
- Active Interconnection Agreements: LIST
- 30-Day Filings: List of Pending, Recently Closed, and Archived | Guidelines for Submitting an Objection
- Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Filing Guidelines: GAO 2019-5
- Establishing New Area Codes
- Important Information for CSPs re: Surcharges & Agency Contacts
- Administrative Materials and Forms
- All Communications Service Providers
NOTE: On March 6, 2024, the Commission approved revisions to the CSP Verified Notice Of Change form and the Instructions, and corrected a prior clerical error regarding the CSP CTA application version authorized for CSP use, in GAO 2024-01. Please ensure you are using the documents above and not prior versions.
- Instructions for VOIP Providers Seeking Telephone Numbers in Indiana: PDF
- Telecommunications Providers
- Public Utility Fee Report: Form
- Notice of Service Cessation and Relinquishment of Provider of Last Resort Obligations: See Indiana Code chapter 8-1-32.4
- Pending Cases and Filings
- Industry Reports and National Issues
- IURC Comments to the FCC: Listed by Date
- Rulemaking 15-03
- Additional Resources
For additional information about the communications service industry and utility regulation, please click here.