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What CREP Means to You

What CREP Means to You

  • Landowner maintains ownership rights to enrolled land.
  • Enrolling in CREP does not allow the general public access to your property.
  • Landowners may use the land for recreational activities such as hunting, fishing and may charge guests for these activities providing the activity does not interfere with the Conservation Plan of Operation.
  • Once the Federal contract expires trees can be harvested under the state contract if a Forest Stewardship Plan/Reforestation Plan has been written.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still enroll in general CRP and continuous sign-up CRP?
Yes. CREP is another option under CRP that farmers may select for their land. Applicants may still enroll eligible land in the general CRP or continuous sign-up CRP. However, CREP provides additional benefits not available through general and/or continuous sign-up. For instance, CREP payments are made at a higher effective rate.

Can I hay or graze my CREP land?
Haying and grazing are not permitted during the CRP contract period unless FSA allows them for emergency or managed haying and grazing purposes, if applicable, under normal CRP rules.

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