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Temporary or emergency storage

The Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing Agency wants to remind the state’s licensed grain facilities that they can apply for temporary or emergency storage by contacting the agency. Requests must be submitted in writing and approved by the agency’s director.
Before applying for temporary or emergency storage, licensees must adhere to the following requirements, which are outlined in the Indiana Administrative Code.
For a temporary storage request, the licensee must have:
  • asphalt or concrete floor,
  • rigid, self-supporting sidewalls,
  • aeration,
  • acceptable waterproof covering,
  • access to the grain for the purpose of sampling; and,
  • the grain must be removed from temporary storage by May 1, 2020, unless an extension is granted by the agency director.
For an emergency storage request, the grain must be:
  • paid in full and owned by the elevator,
  • removed from emergency storage by Jan. 31, 2020, unless an extension has been granted by the agency director; and,
  • no stored grain belonging to others is allowed.

Once a temporary or emergency storage request has been approved, the grain is considered an increase in licensed capacity and subject to the same requirements as grain stored in conventional spaces. Warehouse operators are also responsible for maintaining the quantity and quality of the grain.

These options are only available to licensees with a grain bank, warehouse or buyer-warehouse license.

How to apply for temporary or emergency storage

All request for temporary or emergency storage must be submitted to the Agency in writing on company letterhead via first class mail or electronic mail.  For further assistance, please contact the Agency's main office by calling (317) 232-1360.

Mailing Address:

Indiana Grain Buyers and Warehouse Licensing Agency

One North Capitol Avenue, Suite 600

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Electronic Mail:


If you have any questions related to this matter please call the IGBWLA office at (317) 232-1360.

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