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Ways to Vote

There are multiple ways people can vote in elections. Each person may vote using only one way for each election. Read the descriptions below to help you decide which one is right for you.

In-Person on Election Day

This is the most common choice. Voters who choose this option go to their local polling place on Election Day between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm (local time) to vote. You can find your polling place on by clicking on “Find My Polling Place.”

The next three ways to vote are all absentee. This means that you cast your vote early and likely at a location that is different from your polling place. These votes are just as important, but give voters the flexibility to cast a vote before Election Day.

Absentee-in-Person (early voting)

Those who would like to vote in person, but can’t make it to the polls on Election Day may vote early. Each county offers certain places you can go to vote absentee-in-person. Check with your County Clerk’s office to find out where.


Voters who cannot make it to the polls on Election Day have the option to vote by mail. To vote this way, complete an application with your information and reason you can’t make it to the polls. Make sure to do this early so you have plenty of time to receive your ballot, complete it, and mail it back to be counted in time for the Election. Click here for a copy of the application.

Travel Board

The Travel Board is another way to vote absentee. This option is for voters who have difficulty leaving their residence. Once you complete an application, you will be able to schedule a date for two Board members—one from each major party—to bring a ballot to you. They can help you fill it out, if needed. When you are finished, they will take it back for it to be counted. Make sure you complete the application in plenty of time (find out the requirements). Click here for a copy of the application.

​Options for Voters with Print Disabilities

In addition to the ways everyone can vote (which are listed above), voters with print disabilities have additional options for casting their ballots. A “voter with print disabilities” is a voter who is unable to independently mark a paper ballot or ballot card due to blindness, low vision, or a physical disability that impairs manual dexterity. In other words, a voter with a print disability cannot physically mark their ballot without assistance.

To ensure that voters with print disabilities can vote privately and independently, the law provides that they have the option to use their own assistive technology to mark their ballot and return it through email. Interested voters can view a demonstration of the new voting option from the tool’s vendor, Democracy Live. If voters wish to try the new tool before committing to use in this election, they can practice with an online demonstration ballot. Practice users should input, “Sample” for first name, “Voter” for last name, “1/1/1999” for date of birth, and “Adams” for county.

To vote via this new option, voters must apply for an absentee ballot no later than Thursday, October 24, 2024. The absentee application can be accessed by logging into the Indiana Voter Portal and selecting “Voter With Print Disabilities.” Alternatively, voters with a print disability can complete and submit a PDF version of the absentee application. Once a completed application is received, the voter’s county clerk’s office will send the voter a link to complete and return their ballot by 6 p.m. local time on Election Day, November 5, 2024.