Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
- Facilities
- Adult Correctional Facilities
- Current: Wabash Valley
New Visitor Registration Process
Step 1: Register for ViaPath
All Visitors must register for a ViaPath Account and be approved before scheduling in-person and online visits.
Step 2: Supplemental Documentation
Failure to submit this additional documentation could cause a delay in your application or may cause your application to be rejected.
Step 3: Schedule Visit
Already registered? Remember all visitation requests observe Eastern time. Available dates and times will be listed for that incarcerated individuals facility.
Wabash Correctional Facility Visitation
Visiting Hours*
Weekdays, Weekends & State Holidays | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tues & Weds (J Unit Only) | 6:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Visitation times are dependent on unit placement of each incarcerated individual please refer to ViaPath when scheduling for available times specific to your loved one.
Visitors to Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) North, South, CCU and the SCU MUST enter the facility through the main “WVCF EMPLOYEE AND VISITOR” entrance on U.S. 41. This entrance is on the east side of U.S. 41 approximately thirty (30) miles south of Terre Haute and one (1) mile north of Carlisle. There are yellow flashing traffic lights at the entrance.
Visitors to J-Housing Unit (JHU) Dormitory MUST enter through the “WVCF Delivery” entrance on Old U.S. 41 (County Road 100E). DO NOT use the "WVCF Employee and Visitor" entrance on U.S. 41. To find this entrance, visitors should go to State Road 58 and turn east into Carlisle. Turn left (north) at the four-way stop and proceed north on Alexander Street (Old 41). At the north end of Carlisle, Alexander street curves left to avoid the railroad tracks; follow the curve. The “Delivery” entrance to WVCF will be on the left side about1/2 mile north of the curve. Stop at the stop sign and proceed to the right. JHU will be straight ahead.
*Due to numerous security reason our facilities visiting hours and policies are subject to change. For the most current information please follow our facility Facebook's Page or call the facility hotline.
General Rules
All visitors must register and be approved before scheduling a visit. Visitors who have already registered for video visitation through ViaPath will not need to register again.
- You may not enter the WVCF grounds prior to fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled visiting period begins. Do not linger on grounds after the scheduled visiting period ends.
- Incarcerated individuals can receive a visit from the same person every fourteen (14) days
- Visitations will be limited to two (2) hours
- No more than two (2) visitors will be allowed to visit an incarcerated individual at one time. Children held in the lap shall not be counted in the limit on visitors (North & South General Population, DHU-Restrictive Status Housing & Individual Housing Unit Restrictive Status)
- Only two (2) adults and one (1) child, or one (1) adult and two (2) children will be allowed to visit at one time. (Disciplinary Segregation)
Visitors with Disabilities
Visitors who require a reasonable accommodation for a disability must contact the staff member responsible for processing visitors.
Request Reasonable Accommodation for Your Visit
Attorney Visits
Attorneys visits will not be considered as part of the offender's regular visitation schedule and these visitors need not be on the visitation list. All attorney visits are schedule by the Facility Litigation Liaison.
Availability of space, security and safety of the facility determines if a special area may be set aside for attorney-client visits. If space is available, arrangements also may be made to allow clergy or approved spiritual advisors to have a separate space, outside of the regular visiting room/area, to meet with the incarcerated individual. In both cases, such space shall be observable by staff; however, staff shall not listen to the conversations.
Search Facility Litigation Liaisons
Community Advisory Board
Community Advisory Board meet twice per year (every six months) but may meet more often as appropriate.
- To open avenues of communication between the facility and the communities near its operation;
- To assemble an eclectic group of community stakeholders to observe the operations of the facility from time to time, and to advise facility administrative staff on quality of life issues, and provide diverse perspectives on the effectiveness of facility operations and programs;
- To assist with the recruitment of a diverse and professional workforce;
- To promote the hiring of former incarcerated individuals;
- To help identify available community resources that could enhance the facility’s operation; and,
- To assist with promoting community awareness and understanding of correctional issues, and facility and Department initiatives.
For more information about the variety of programs the IDOC offers, please visit the Programs page. Note: Programs vary from facility to facility and are subject to change. Not all incarcerated individuals qualify or are appropriate for every program, individuals should work with their assigned case manager to see which programs they are eligible for.
- Interactive Journaling
- Thinking for A Change
- Oakland City University Correspondence Classes
- Purposeful Living Units Serve (PLUS) / PLUS Quilts & Projects
- Fatherhood Program (Inside Out Dads) / Special Events / Read to Me Program
- Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) / Military MRT
- Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP)
- Substance Abuse
- AA / NA
- Re-Entry Simulation
- Re-Entry Programming - S.T.A.R.T. / T.I.P.S.
- American Legion / Sons Post 398
- The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI)
- The Navigators
- ABE/HiSet (Adult Basic Education / High School Equivalency)
- Vocational Education
- NCCER – Building Trades
- Compassionate Companion Program
- Literacy Life Skills
- Suicide Watch Companion
About Wabash Valley
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility is a maximum/minimum security facility, with a total capacity of more than 2,200 incarcerated individuals. Construction on the facility, located north of Carlisle in Sullivan County, finished in 1997. The facility has both minimum security and maximum security and offers multiple programs to meet the needs of the incarcerated population, including the Special Needs Acclimation Program or SNAP. Wabash Valley’s staff have implemented many beneficial programs to ensure a well-run facility that offers incarcerated individuals a genuine opportunity for growth while maintaining public safety. The facility is also heavily involved in the community, providing support to local food pantries, schools, and other community organizations.
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Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Address
Facility Physical Location
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
6908 S. Old US Hwy 41
Carlisle, IN 47838
Phone | (812) 398-5050 Ext 4500
Send Mail to an Incarcerated Individual
Offender Full Legal Name, DOC #
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
6908 S. Old US Hwy 41
Carlisle, IN 47838
Reminder - Address both envelope and letter. All incoming and outgoing mail is opened, examined, and read by designated facility staff.
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I Want To
- Locate an Incarcerated Individual.
- Visit an Incarcerated Individual
- Send Money to an Incarcerated Individual
- Send Enhanced Commissary to an Incarcerated Individual
- Contact an Incarcerated Individual
- Obtain Records of an Incarcerated Individual
- Register for Victim Notification.
- Find a career with the Indiana Department of Correction.
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