The mural, Spirit of Indiana, was painted by Hoosier artist Eugene Savage in 1964. In the central section, a young woman representing the state of Indiana is being guided into statehood by William Henry Harrison, an early statesman who served as governor of the Indiana Territory. They are surrounded by pictures symbolizing the economy, the prominence of education and the history of the state.
The House gallery provides space for the public to watch chamber proceedings in person. Legislative session and committee meetings can also be viewed in real time at,
The members of the Indiana House of Representatives serve on various standing and summer committees. These committees consider, research, debate, hear public testimony and revise proposed legislation. The Ways and Means Committee Room is one of many located in the State House and is where Indiana’s bi-annual budget debate begins.
This brass chandelier crowning the House Chamber spans eighteen feet in diameter and contains 1 light for each of Indiana’s 100 house districts. Created by the Custom Lighting Corporation of Chicago and installed in 1966, it is the largest chandelier in the State House.