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Featured Topics

IDEM’s partnerships and recognition programs have a variety of interesting topics to share with their members and the general public, including upcoming events and webinars, available grants and funding, environmental success stories, and news related to pollution prevention (P2) practices and recycling efforts.

  • Subscribe to the Partnerships and Recognition Featured Topics page under IDEM’s Program Support to receive updates.

Compliance and Technical Assistance Program’s (CTAP) Featured Topics contains important information and articles that may be of interest to businesses seeking to learn more about regulatory issues and updates.


ITRC (Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council) PFAS Experts Roundtable Series

The ITRC PFAS team held a series of "Ask the Experts" roundtable discussions to provide environmental and public health professionals the opportunity to communicate with ITRC's internationally recognized PFAS experts and ask their most pressing questions. This was an interactive discussion responding to questions received through registration.

Participants are highly encouraged to review the Guidance Document (specifically Chapters 2 and 11) and review the associated ITRC video training modules prior to opening the archived Roundtable Session.

  • ITRC PFAS Training Video Module: Team Introduction
  • ITRC PFAS Training Video Module: Naming Conventions & Physical and Chemical Properties
  • ITRC PFAS Training Video Module: Production, Uses, Sources and Site Characterization
  • ITRC PFAS Training Video Module: Sampling and Analysis

The ITRC Guidance Document provides an in-depth analysis of the complex world of PFAS, covering the following topics:

  • Naming Conventions
  • History & Use
  • Firefighting Foams
  • Physical & Chemical Properties
  • Fate & Transport
  • Occurrence
  • Health Effects
  • Regulations
  • Site Risk Assessment
  • Site Characterization
  • Sampling & Analysis
  • Treatment Technologies
  • Risk Communication
  • Stakeholder Perspectives

The 400+ page document also includes case studies and stakeholder perspectives, discusses technical challenges in addressing PFAS, and provides additional references to relevant scientific literature.

P2 Research and Implementation for Michigan Metal Finishers

The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) covered their completed metal finishing pollution prevention (P2) work funded under U.S. EPA Region 5's Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program. The focus of the presentation was on the Rinsing Manual that was developed through the project and an overview of the project. The Rinsing Manual is a new on-line resource developed under the project for evaluating and improving rinsing systems in the metal finishing sector. During the P2 project, the manual was used to help a Michigan metal finishing shop reduce water use and sludge generation and these results were discussed.

Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Prioritization Tools: Sustainability Insights at a Glance

This webinar introduced U.S. EPA's SMM Prioritization Tools. These life cycle-based tools offer a starting place for governments, trade associations, NGOs, companies, small enterprises, and other organizations to establish priorities for environmental improvement, focus their limited financial and human resources where action could offer greater holistic benefit, and consider key industries for collaboration. Currently there are two tools: A National Tool and an Organizational Tool. The National Tool provides a big picture view of sustainability in the United States for those with a national focus, such as government, trade associations and NGOs. The Organizational Tool provides quick sustainability snapshots for organizations such as companies, small enterprises and their sustainability and procurement staff.

U.S. EPA Sustainable Materials Management

The U.S. EPA Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) is a systematic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their life cycles. By looking at a product’s entire life cycle, we can find new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources, and reduce costs. Basic information, special topics, participation opportunities and tools and resources, as well as upcoming webinars are available.

U.S. EPA ECHO and Advanced ECHO Training Opportunities

U.S. EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) has several online training opportunities, tools, and webinars covering compliance related topics. Previously recorded webinars are also available.

Energy Star WebEx Events

Energy Star has several interesting events in the upcoming months.

Energy Star Facility Energy Assessment Matrix

Download the spreadsheet to evaluate the energy program at your industrial facility. This tool complements the Energy Program Assessment Matrix by helping you examine a program for a single facility. Energy program directors can use this tool when working with site energy leaders to assess how the organization-wide program has been implemented at each facility.

U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Webinars

Through On-Demand Better Buildings webinars, experts discuss a variety of topics from Air Management to Zero Energy. These webinars are helpful resources on key subject areas in energy efficiency, water efficiency, resilience, and more. For each webinar you can watch the video recording and follow along with the slide deck. You can also sign up for an upcoming live webinar.

Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence

Presented annually since 1994, the Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence (GAEE) recognize Indiana citizens, government agencies, businesses, organizations, and educational institutions for outstanding achievements that positively impact Indiana’s environment. GAEE are reserved for the most innovative, transferrable, and effective programs or projects with measurable environmental, economic, and social benefits. The selection process is highly competitive, with nominations falling into one of the award categories. Only one award per category is presented. By recognizing these achievements, the GAEE increases awareness of effective environmental practices and encourages implementation of sustainability efforts. Begin your nomination today!

Partners for Sustainability (formerly known as Partners for Pollution Prevention)

Annual Partners P2 Reporting Highlighting Major Achievements

The Partners for Sustainability annually report on the results of their pollution prevention initiatives. The annual reporting deadline for 2021 for the Partners was June 1, 2022, and the reported benefits are available online.

Annual P2 Conference and Tradeshow

This conference is open to anyone interested in sustainability practices, pollution prevention, and related topics. The conference is held each year in September. Conference agenda and registration information is available on the Partners Events page in June each year. Prior conference presentations may also be found there.

Quarterly Meetings

In addition to the annual conference, the Partners for Sustainability organize meetings on a quarterly basis. Upcoming quarterly meetings and past presentations are posted to the Partner Events page.

Environmental Stewardship Program (ESP)

Annual Meeting

As a benefit of being an ESP member, IDEM provides members with the opportunity to network with other program members (and the IDEM Commissioner) to discuss environmental successes and future initiatives. The annual meeting is usually held in early summer with agenda and meeting registration information posted on the ESP Annual Meetings page. Prior meeting agendas and presentations may also be found there.

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