The Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) was formed by the Indiana Legislature in 2019 to promote Indiana as a great place for living, visiting, learning, and earning. The IDDC became incorporated on July 1st, 2020. The Indiana Office of Tourism Development (IOTD) evolved into the new organization, creating a seamless experience for our tourism and talent attraction partners. Increasing the knowledge that builds pride in Indiana will help our state fill open jobs, grow talent and elevate views of our distinctive sense of place.
IDDC will promote, brand, and tell Indiana's authentic story to both attract and retain businesses, talent, students, and visitors.
Staff Directory
Amy Howell, Vice President, Tourism, Marketing & Communications
amhowell@visitindiana.comDavid Buskill, Vice President, Partnership Development
dbuskill@iddc.in.govDrew Griffis, Director, Policy and Analytics
agriffis@iddc.in.govNate Riggs, Creative Content Producer
nriggs1@visitindiana.comMarc Steczyk, Director, Lincoln Amphitheatre
Sarah Agostino, Executive Assistant and Field Director
saagostino@iddc.in.govJustus O'Neil, Public Relations/Social Media Officer
joneil@visitindiana.comGrant Patterson, Webmaster
gpatterson@visitindiana.comLindsey Skeen, Marketing Strategist