External Women's Health Resources
ICW is pleased to share external information and resources for women's health. ICW is always wiling to expand the external resources If there is a resource not listed that you believe could help others, please contact ICW at info@icw.in.govm
Please note, any link to or mention of a commercial or external website or organization found on this page or throughout this website is provided as a courtesy only and should not be considered in any way as an endorsement or promotion by the Indiana Commission for Women, the State of Indiana and of its partners and supporters. In addition, the Indiana Commission for Women is not responsible for any offensive or objectionable content that may be found at any of the sites provided above. The Indiana Commission for Women and those associated with the agency do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any comments made or representative of any third party's use or results of such use of any information.
- IU National Center of Excellence in Women's Health
Offered Programs
To discover more information or if you wish to get in contact with the team, visit https://medicine.iu.edu/obgyn/clinical-care/womens-health-center
Pregnancy at a Tie that is Happy and Healthy for You (PATH4YOU): Pregnancy at a Time that is Happy and Healthy for You (PATH4YOU) is one of the first primary prevention projects in the state focused on reducing infant and maternal mortality by helping people plan healthy pregnancies. The goal is to provide high-quality, non-coercive, patient-centered, comprehensive contraceptive access to people throughout the state of Indiana.
Student Engagement and Education: Student Engagement and Education is possible for those in medicine, nursing and public health to complete a rotation in the outreach program where they learn firsthand the issues women of diverse backgrounds face at home, at work and in their communities.
HER Talks: HER Talks are educational forums for IU School of Medicine and the greater community to discuss the latest gender-specific research and its impact on women’s health. HER Talks are presented four times per year and feature experts from IU School of Medicine or Purdue Women’s Global Health Institute.
Lectures in Women's Health: Doris H. Merritt, MD, Lectureship in Women’s Health is presented annually as part of the IU School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds. The Center is proud to present this lectureship in honor of Doris H. Merritt, MD, a pioneer in medicine, research, leadership, mentoring and philanthropy. Held on the second Wednesday in September, it features a renowned expert on the newest trends and current best practices in women’s health.
Marion County WOI Coalition: Marion County WOI Coalition hosts the Women of INfluence Annual Symposium that convenes 150-200 women to learn about the most important health issues impacting women and families. This symposium covers a variety of topics such as heart health, eating disorders, adverse childhood experiences, human trafficking, menopause and sexual health.
Negotiating the Divide: Negotiating the Divide is an educational forum on the discrepancy in pay between men and women, particularly in medicine and science. The Center holds the event annually at IUPUI on Equal Pay Day, the day women nationally catch up with men’s wages from the prior year. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, MD also takes Negotiating the Divide on the road to most IU School of Medicine campuses, American Medical Women’s Association meetings, and other state medical schools.
Women of INfluence Initiative: Women of INfluence Initiative (WOI) is an avenue for women from government, business, health care, higher education, faith-based communities and non-profit organizations to come together to play an influential role in providing education and empowerment in areas effecting women’s health. These coalitions exist in Indiana’s Marion, Delaware and Allen counties.
- The Indiana State Department of Health's Office of Women's Health
The Indiana State Department of Health's Office of Women's Health provides a complied list of local and national resources for women's health, as well as an interactive map that allows you to locate local resources in your area that serve Hoosier women. To view the interactive map visit https://www.in.gov/health/owh/
- Be Well Indiana
Be Well Indiana offers resources from the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction to help Hoosiers maintain their well-being and provide a variety of resources. Visit https://bewellindiana.com/
Be Well Crisis Helpline:
Speak with a trained counselor 24/7 regarding stress, anxiety, loneliness or mental health strains. Service is free and confidential.
Call: 211
Enter Your Zip Code and Press: 3
- Indiana 211
Indiana 211 offers free and confidential service, and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These resources include assistance with food and clothing, mental health and addiction, health care, housing and utility assistance, education and employment, children and family, and tax assistance. Visit https://in211.communityos.org/
Get Help or Speak with a
Community Navigator 24/7/365Phone: Dial 2-1-1 or 1-866-211-9966
(available 24/7)Text: Text your ZIP Code to 898-211
(available Mon-Fri 8am-5pm) - Indiana Department of Health Maternal and Child Health
The Indiana Department of Health Maternal and Child Health offer a variety of resources and programs on adolescent/young adult health, breastfeeding, children's health, perinatal levels of care, home visiting, maternal health, newborn screening and birth defects, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring systems, substance abuse and pregnancy, and much more. Visit their website for additional women's health resources https://www.in.gov/health/owh/resources/ and https://www.in.gov/health/laboroflove/resources/
Healthy Baby and Healthy Mom Offered Services
MCH MOMS Helpline: offer helpline specialists and referral assistance. Call 1-844-MCH-MOMS (1-844-624-6667) or email MCHMOMSHelpline@isdh.in.gov
My Healthy Baby: offers you to free, one-on-one support during and after pregnancy. To get connected visit https://www.myhealthybabyindiana.com/?utm_source=ingov%20website&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=fy21%20mhb or visit https://www.in.gov/myhealthybaby/
Liv (Pregnancy App): this is a pregnancy mobile app for women of any age who want access to reproductive health information on if your planning to be pregnant, trying to avoid or time pregnancy, already pregnant, or are parenting an infant. To download the app visit https://askliv.com/#/login
- U.S Department of Health and Human Services: Office on Women's Health
U.S Department of Health and Human Services: Office on Women's Health provides a plethora of resources and services for girls and women. Visit https://www.womenshealth.gov/about-us/who-we-are
Find Information on Girl's Health
Healthy Living Checklist by Age
Information on Popular Health Topics
Have a Health Question?
Use their helpline to connect you to information and resources to answer your health question:
Call 800-994-9662
Hours: Monday – Friday,
9 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET
(closed on federal holidays) - Indiana Suicide Prevention
To better understand suicide or to locate a suicide prevention resource center visit https://www.in.gov/issp/. Please use the available crisis lines if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide and seeking emotional support.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 (TALK)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Online Chat Services
Crisis Text Line: Text IN to 741741 for free, 24/7 crisis counseling.
Trevor Project Lifeline: (confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ+ youth): 866-488-7386
TrevorText: Text START to 678-678.
- Veteran Crisis Lines
Veterans Crisis Line: (for military service members, veterans, and family): Call 800-273-8255 and press 1
Text: 838255
Support for death and hard of hearing: 800-799-4889
- TLC House Indiana
TLC House Indiana is a non-profit domestic violence women's shelter. Visit https://tlchouseindiana.org/ or call 260-624-2274
- The Julian Center
The Julian Center assist survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Visit https://www.juliancenter.org/
All Programs Are Confidential
24 Hour Crisis Line: 317-920-9320
Emergency Shelter Houses
Counseling and Support Group Services
Empowerment Support Program
Sexual Assault Advocacy
Law Enforcement Advocacy
New Life Transitional & Permanent Supportive Housing
Community Engagement
Legal Services
- Coburn Place
Coburn Place's mission is to empower people impacted by intimate partner violence in the Greater Indianapolis area. Visit https://coburnplace.org/
Services Available
Transitional Housing
Community-Based Housing
Well-Being Services
Children's Services
- Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the state coalition for domestic violence programs in Indiana. The coalition works in a variety of areas to further eliminate domestic violence. Visit https://icadvinc.org/ or to find a programs and shelters in your area visit their location services https://icadvinc.org/domestic-violence-programs/
- SheShatters
SheShatters helps professionals come back from the brink of burnout and reignite their spark by offering organizational wellness workshops and talks, podcasts, private 1:1 coaching for busy (and burnt-out) professionals. For more information visit: https://sheshatters.com/
- Boca Recovery Center
Boca Recovery Center helps individuals who may be struggling with domestic violence and substance abuse to deal with the trauma. Here is a resource guide detailing the different types of abuse and resources to help people escape addiction and abuse. Please take a look here: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/addiction/addiction-domestic-violence/
Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Bloomington: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/location/bloomington-drug-rehab/