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Questions from Consumers/Screening Participants:

Is it Free? Yes.

What do I do if my screening shows I am not healthy? If you have any abnormal or elevated screening results, we will provide to you with health literature to mitigate the situation or referral options.

I don't have a doctor or Insurance. Our team can assist you by providing recommendations to treatment providers and ways to obtain insurance.

How long does screening take? Less than 10 minutes at most.

When does the event take place in my city? Please check the calendar for listing of cities, dates, and participating barbershops. Thank you for your interest and please sign the website pledge to attend!

Can I bring a friend/brother/father/son/cousin? Yes, please bring everyone! Participants under 18 will need to have a parent or guardian with them to sign an electronic disclosure. Please do share the event and get the word out and invite your family, friends, neighbors and more!

Who gets access to my health data? If you voluntarily sign a disclosure, local health care providers will contact you for further test result follow-up. Your health data will be shared with local providers. Please see a list of sponsors for your city on the website.

Questions from Medical Volunteers:

Who brings the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), alcohol swabs, Band-Aids and cotton balls? The local community lead, community health partner or yourself. Thank you for you and your organization's support of these consumables. We greatly appreciate it!

How do I obtain training? Please follow-up with your community leader on the pre-event date trainings to be hosted locally and/or via webinar.  In this training you will also learn where and when to show up on the day of your event.

Questions from Non- Medical Volunteers:

How do I obtain training? Please follow-up with your community leader on the pre-event date trainings to be hosted locally and/or via webinar. In this training you will also learn where and when to show up on the day of your event.

 Top FAQs