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Strategic Plan

As a result of our growing experience with reducing disparate cond itions that negatively impact black males in the State of Indiana; the Commission has deci ded to embark on an ambitiou s plan with measurable outcomes for remediating such negative conditions. This Strategic Plan will guide the ICSSBM’s efforts for the next four years . The Strat egic Plan outlines areas for focused efforts to change disparate conditions in Criminal Justice, Education, Employment, Health, and Social Factors in which black males fal l behind. It is the hope of the ICSSBM t o mar shal in positive changes by encouraging bl ack ma les to achieve their full potential and throu gh partnering with government, law enforcement, t he j udiciary, community agencies and private business communities to bring together resources to meet our strategic goals.

Click here for a copy of the 2015-2018 ICSSBM Strategic Plan