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Register Your Thoroughbred Mare Online

Registering your mare online requires that you attach an electronic copy of your mares papers, including the transfer report. Once you submit the form a copy will be sent back to your email with the time and date that you submitted it, for your records.

2026 Indiana Thoroughbred Mare Application

2025 Indiana Thoroughbred Mare Application

2024 Indiana Thoroughbred Mare Application

2023 Indiana Thoroughbred Mare Application

If you decide to register your mare AFTER November 1, you will need to register her within 10 days of foaling and breed back to an Indiana Registered Stallion.  More information is available in the complete Thoroughbred Breed Development Program Rules.

*Mare applications are to be completed annually.

Please Note: Even if your mare is registered for a particular year, if the foal was not registered with Indiana, it will not be Indiana Bred (IB) eligible.  Please make sure to register your foal within 1 year of the foaling date.  Foals that are not registered within their 1st year of the foaling date will have a late fee assessed.  The breakdown of late fees are as follows:

12 months and 1 day to December 31st of the yearling year: $200 late fee
2 years old: $400 late fee
3 years old and older: $1,000 late fee

A list of registered foals can be found by clicking here.

If you move your mare(s):

The IHRC must know where your horse is located during the required residency timeframe(s).  You may notify us by submitting the Change of Residency form either online by clicking here or by printing out the form and either mailing or faxing the form to our office at:

Indiana Horse Racing Commission
1302 N. Meridian Street, Suite 175
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 233-4470 Fax

If you have any questions about Indiana Thoroughbred Mare Registration or the Indiana Thoroughbred Breed Development Program, please contact Jen Tuttle at or by calling (317) 234-2540