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Historic Bulletins and Rules

Historic Bulletins and Rules

Historic reference documents provide the history of sewage disposal guidance and regulation in Indiana for both residential and commercial systems.  Each document was in effect from the date of publication or effective date in the document and remained until the subsequent document was published and effective.  Bulletins provided best practices and recommendations, but did not carry the weight of law, unless adopted into a rule or local ordinance.  Regulation of residential systems began in 1977 with the adoption of HSE 25 and HSE 25-R (revised).  In 1978, Indiana recodified all regulations into the Indiana Administrative Code, and regulation of residential on-site sewage systems has since been included in Rule 410 of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC).  Regulation of commercial systems began in 1988 with the adoption of a rule specifically covering commercial sewage disposal.  These documents are provided as reference only, and serve as standards for on-site systems that were permitted and installed during the effective dates.  Rules 410 IAC 6-8.3 and 6-10.1 are currently in effect.

