Veterans Services
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides services to help veterans and their families, including medical, education, survivors' and vocational rehabilitation and employment benefits, disability compensation, and service pensions
- General Information
General Information
Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially those serving in combat zones, face some special tax situations and are entitled to some special tax benefits.
The Center for Women Veterans was established to ensure women veterans have access to Veterans' Administration benefits & services, and that those services are responsive to the gender-specific needs of women veterans. Topics include VA benefits application assistance, readjustment and sexual trauma counseling, comprehensive health care centers, and other benefits of interest to women veterans.
Keep in touch with fellow service members, research the history and valor of past generations, and honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.
House Committee On Veterans' Affairs
The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs reviews veterans' programs, examines current laws, and works to strengthen existing laws concerning veterans, such as for health care, disability compensation, GI bill education and job training, home loan guarantees, life insurance policies, and a nationwide system of veterans' cemeteries., the largest online destination for the military community, meets the unique needs of military consumers for career transition, VA loans, financial planning, GI Bill and education services, travel, relocation, military news, community and more.
Veterans Alliance Service Center
Information, service, support and assistance for the Veteran, their family, supporters and friends.
Vet helps you to reunite with friends and family who are veterans either retired or active duty of the U.S. military. Resources include a veterans organizations directory, military records information, pay and rank charts, and message boards.
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration (NARA)
NARA provides access to government records, including military service records for all branches. Included is an online research area where veterans can find information on how to obtain military service records.
- Veterans' Organizations
Veterans' Organizations
As the world's largest veterans organization, the American Legion provides information and assistance to veterans on a wide range of topics, including health, education, pension and burial benefits, post-traumatic stress disorder, Gulf War illness, VA home loans, and Agent Orange exposure.
As one of America's foremost veterans service organizations, AMVETS (or American Veterans) has a proud history of assisting veterans and sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens. The helping hand that AMVETS extends to veterans and their families takes many forms, such as counseling on education, disability compensation, employment, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and pensions and quality of life programs administered on both the federal and local level.
Military Officers Association of America
MOAA offers information for retired military officers on subjects such as educational aid, health issues, veteran and survivor benefits, financial issues, and life insurance. A locator service is also available, as is an online career center (for MOAA members).
National Veterans Legal Services Program
For more than 25 years, the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) has been helping veterans who, because of the effects of military service, have been unable to share in opportunities available to most Americans.
Non-Commissioned Officers Association
NCOA was established to enhance and maintain the quality of life for noncommissioned and petty officers in all branches of the Armed Forces, National Guard and Reserves. The Association offers its members a wide range of benefits and services designed especially for current and former enlisted service members and their families, including employment assistance, medical and scholarship funds, and a JROTC program.
The Retired Enlisted Association
The mission of the Retired Enlisted Association is to enhance the quality of life for uniformed services enlisted personnel, their families and survivors- including active components and all retirees.
Veterans Administration - Directory of Veterans Services Organizations
The VA maintains a listing of available veterans services organizations, categorized by charter status and location (state and local).
The VFW assists veterans in seeking discharge upgrades, record corrections, education benefits, disability compensation, pension eligibility and other veterans' needs. The VFW's Military Assistance Program (MAP) strives to enhance the quality of life for members of the armed forces and their families by identifying critical needs and providing emergency financial aid.
VVA's goals are to promote and support the full range of issues important to Vietnam veterans, to create a new identity for this generation of veterans, and to change public perception of Vietnam veterans. Information on this site includes guides to VA claim appeals, Agent Orange and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs
Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs
Find services for veterans in your area by consulting the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Employment Resources
Employment Resources
The e-VETS Resource Advisor assists veterans preparing to enter the job market. It includes information on a broad range of topics, such as job search tools and tips, employment openings, career assessment, education and training, and benefits and special services available to veterans.
A free site where former military personnel can seek careers and utilize their professional skills. You can post your resume, search for job openings, research companies, and get information on relocation, salary and other benefits.
Use your Military Occupation Classification (MOC) to identify jobs in the civilian workforce that use similar skills to the ones you've used in your military career.
Resource library for military spouse employment, education and relocation information, including links to employment related information and other resources for military spouses and military families.
Office of Veterans Business Development
OVBD is dedicated to serving the veteran entrepreneur by creating, executing and promoting policies and programs that provide assistance to veterans seeking to start and develop small businesses.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Advisor helps Veterans understand employee eligibility and job entitlements, employer obligations, benefits and remedies under the Act.
U.S. Department of Labor Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS)
VETS provides Veterans with resources and services to help them succeed in the 21st century work force. VETS provides information on maximizing employment opportunities, protecting employment rights, meeting labor-market demands with qualified Veterans, and other related topics.
Veterans' Preference eLaws Advisor
The Veterans' Preference Advisor allows Veterans to examine the preferences for which they might be entitled with regard to Federal jobs.
The National Veterans Training Institute provides information and resources related to employment, reemployment, training, education and benefits for both active duty military and military veterans.
- Disabled Veterans
Disabled Veterans
Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) is an organization specifically established to promote the welfare of blinded veterans. The BVA links veterans with services, rehabilitation training and other benefits. When blinded veterans are ready to go back into the work force, BVA Field Reps can help them find jobs.
Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program for Wounded Service Members
The U.S. Department of Defense's CAP program is committed to providing assistive technology and support to returning wounded service members. Accommodations are available for wounded service members with vision or hearing loss, upper extremity amputees as well as persons with communication and other disabilities to access the computer and telecommunication environment.
Disabled Transition Assistance Program (DTAP)
DTAP is a Department of Defense program that involves assisting service members who may be released because of a disability or who believe they have a disability qualifying them for vocational rehabilitation programs. The program helps to ensure timely delivery of vocational rehabilitation services to eligible persons by assisting them in filing an application for benefits.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is a nonprofit organization of more than one million veterans disabled during time of war or armed conflict. The DAV offers assistance with VA claims and other VA benefits with an emphasis on serving disabled veterans. The organization also offers information on transition programs that are designed specifically for those enlisted soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and officers reentering civilian life.
National Amputation Foundation
Founded in 1919, The National Amputation Foundation (NAF) has for over 80 years been offering valuable assistance to veterans of World War I, II, Korea, the Vietnam Conflict, Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom.
The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was created within the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989. Its mission was, and remains: To advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.
Paralyzed Veterans of America has developed a unique expertise on a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of its members - veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction.
REALifelines: Recovery & Employment Assistance for Wounded & Injured Servicemembers
REALifelines is a new approach to ensuring that wounded and injured service members and their families get the support they need to be successful and competitive as they return to the homes and lives they left in service to our country.
- Homeless Veterans
Homeless Veterans
Department of Labor Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program
The purpose of the Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) is to provide services to assist in reintegrating homeless veterans into meaningful employment.
Department of Veterans' Affairs Homeless Veterans Resources
VA offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. A fact sheet on homeless veterans is also available.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
References for homeless veterans on general assistance, medical, alcohol, substance abuse, mental health treatment, housing, jobs, legal and transportation issues. If you experience difficulties getting results or locating services in your local area, call the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans at 1-800-VET-HELP.
- Gulf War Veterans
Gulf War Veterans
American Gulf War Veterans Association
Informational resource for those Gulf War veterans dealing with health issues related to their service.
Gulf War Veterans Resource Pages
Contains a document library, links, forums, a veteran locator, photos and Frequently Asked Questions of relevance to Gulf War veterans and their families.
National Gulf War Resource Center
The National Gulf War Resource Center is an international coalition of advocates and organizations providing a resource for information, support, and referrals for all those concerned with the complexities of Persian Gulf War issues, especially Gulf War illnesses and those held prisoner or missing in action. Contains a self-help guide for Gulf War veterans.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has compiled information for Gulf War veterans who need assistance in locating their nearest VA Medical Center or who have general health questions regarding their service in the Persian Gulf region.
- Official Military Websites
Official Military Websites
U.S. Army Sites
U.S. Marine Corps Sites
U.S. Navy Sites
U.S. Air Force Sites
U.S. Coast Guard Sites
U.S. Merchant Marine Sites