What is JAG?
JAG, Jobs for America's Graduates, is a program for high school students at Academy at Logansport Community Schools, Benton Central High School, Harrison High School, Kokomo High School, Lafayette Jefferson High School, Logansport HIgh School, Lewis Cass High School, McCutcheon High School, North Miami High School, Northwestern High School, Oakland High School, Peru High School, Tipton High School, and Twin Lakes High School. JAG program is dedicated to helping high school students of promise who experienced challenging life experiences focus to stay in school and achieve success through graduation.
JAG is a resiliency-builind workforce program that helps students learn in-demand employability skills and provides a bridge ti post-secondary education and career advancement opportunities. JAG students receive adult mentoring while in school and one year of follow-up counseling after graduation.
JAG helps students find an entry-level job leading to a career and/or postsecondary education. The program gives students credit towards graduation and also offers them the opportunity to expand their horizons through business contacts, unpaid and paid internships, guest speakers, mentors, and community service opportunities. Currently, 250 JAG programs are available in communities throughout Indiana.