- Atterbury FWA Alerts (1)
- During waterfowl season, Beaver Bottom ADA pier opens for fishing at noon.
- Austin Bottoms Conservation Area Alerts
- None at this time.
- Blue Grass FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Bodine State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- Chinook FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Cikana State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- Crosley FWA Alerts (1)
- The bridge crossing on River Road at the Muscatatuck River is closed for an indefinite period of time; however, you can still access the western side of the property (including the shooting range) by taking Highway 3 north to County Road 25W, keeping left onto County Road 115 South then turning back south on County Road 75W. For more information, contact Crosley Fish & Wildlife Area at 812-346-5596.
- Curtis Creek Trout Rearing Station Alerts
- None at this time.
- Deer Creek FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Driftwood State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- East Fork State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- Fairbanks Landing FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Fawn River State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- Glendale FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Goose Pond FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Hillenbrand FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Hovey Lake FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Jasper-Pulaski FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- J.E. Roush Lake FWA Alerts (1)
- Beginning Monday, Sept. 9, the back loop (sites 24-46) of the Kil-So-Quah campground will close until further notice so staff can clean up storm damage, remove dead trees, and clear underbrush. This closure ensures the safety of guests while staff use heavy equipment in the campground. For questions regarding the closure, please contact Bethany Stone, property manager, 260-468-2165, bstone@dnr.IN.gov.
- Kankakee FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Kingsbury FWA Alerts (1)
- A gate prevents access to Kingsbury FWA via the Hupp Road entrance. The gate limits traffic through the property to the industrial park and preserve the property’s quality for wildlife and visitors.
- LaSalle FWA Alerts (1)
- The Hoosier Prairie Nature Preserve Hunt will not take place for the 2024 Season. We plan to hold the hunt again for the 2025 season.
- Mixsawbah State Fish Hatchery Alerts
- None at this time.
- Splinter Ridge FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Sugar Creek Conservation Area Alerts
- None at this time.
- Sugar Ridge FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Tri-County FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Wabash River Conservation Area Alerts
- None at this time.
- Wabashiki FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Wilbur Wright FWA Alerts
- None at this time.
- Willow Slough FWA Alerts (1)
- J.C. Murphey Lake is undergoing a renovation to improve habitat and recreational opportunities. The renovation will run through 2024 and certain activities will not be available during this time. Additional information and updates will be provided on our J.C. Murphey Lake renovation page.
- Winamac FWA Alerts
- None at this time.