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On this screen, upload materials provided by the course sponsor. You must have the documents electronically, and the file size should be less than 2 megabytes.

Do not upload all of the materials presented in the course. Your application may be rejected if you provide more than is requested. At the most, the Commission needs:

  • An agenda showing session topics and start/end times
  • A course brochure or description
  • A list of faculty and their credentials

To upload a document:

  • Click the "Browse" button and find the document on your computer
  • The document will not upload until you click "Save" on the page

To upload more than one document:

  1. Click the "Browse" button and find the document on your computer
  2. Click the "Add another file" button
  3. Repeat #1
  4. The document will not upload until you click "Save" on the page

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