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Program Overview



Technical Assistance

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Grant Program

Grant Status Closed

The RSAT for State Prisoners Program assists states with developing and implementing residential substance abuse treatment programs within state correctional facilities, as well as within local correctional and detention facilities, in which inmates are incarcerated for a period of time sufficient to permit substance abuse treatment. The program encourages the establishment and maintenance of drug-free prisons and jails and developing and implementing specialized residential substance abuse treatment programs that identify and provide appropriate treatment to inmates with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders or challenges. RSAT is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance

Purpose of the program

The purpose of the RSAT Program is to assist state, local, and tribal efforts to break the cycle of drug addiction and violence by reducing the demand for, use, and trafficking of illegal drugs. The RSAT Program objectives are to:

  • Enhance the capabilities of states and units of local and tribal governments to provide residential substance abuse treatment for incarcerated inmates;
  • Prepare individuals for their reintegration into communities; and
  • Assist individuals and communities through the reentry process by delivering community-based treatment and other broad-based aftercare services.


Eligible recipients are limited to state correctional facilities and local correctional and detention facilities.

Pursuant to 34 U.S.C. 10422(c), in order to be eligible for funding under the RSAT program, grant applicants shall ensure that individuals who participate in the substance abuse treatment program with funding under this grant program be provided with aftercare services.

The award period for this grant opportunity begins on May 1, 2024, and ends on April 30, 2026.

All grant projects must begin on May 1, 2024, and must be in operation no later than 60 days after this date. Failure to have the grant-funded project operational within the time allotted may result in the cancellation of the grant and the de-obligation of all awarded funds.

All projects must conclude, and all funding obligations must be made no later than April 30, 2026. All outstanding expenses must be paid, and the Final Financial Report submitted via IntelliGrants within 30 days of the grant end date. All program activities must be completed by the end of the approved award period

RSAT funding may be used to implement three types of programs as defined by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). The eligible program areas include:

  1. Residential substance abuse treatment programs;

  2. Jail-based programs; and

  3. Aftercare services.

Each of the three program areas has specific requirements related to program length, focus, and design. All program types should conduct periodic urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program participants. Programs are also strongly encouraged to coordinate with the Local Coordinating Council (LCC) in their county. To contact the LCC in your area, please click here. Additional information regarding each program area is included below.


  • Last at least 6 months and no more than 12 months.

  • Focus on substance abuse problems of the inmate.

  • Require urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program participants, including both periodic and random testing, and former participants while they remain in the custody of the state or local government.

  • Provide residential treatment facilities set apart – in a completely separate facility or dedicated housing unit in a facility exclusively for use by RSAT participants – from the general population.

  • Ensure that individuals who participate in the grant-funded substance abuse treatment program will be provided with aftercare services when they leave incarceration.

  • Develop the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve the substance abuse and related problems.

  • Coordinate with the federal assistance for substance abuse treatment and aftercare services currently provided by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

  • Whenever possible, RSAT residential participation should be limited to inmates with 6 to 12 months remaining in their confinement.


  • Last at least 3 months.

  • Focus on substance abuse problems of the inmate.

  • Require urinalysis and/or other proven reliable forms of drug and alcohol testing for program participants, including both periodic and random testing, and for former participants while they remain in the custody of the state or local government.

  • Provide residential treatment facilities set apart – in a completely separate facility or dedicated housing unit in a facility exclusively for use by RSAT participants – from the general population.

  • Ensure that individuals who participate in the grant-funded substance abuse treatment program will be provided with aftercare services when they leave incarceration.

  • Develop the inmate’s cognitive, behavioral, social, vocational, and other skills to solve the substance abuse and related problems.

  • Coordinate with the federal assistance for substance abuse treatment and aftercare services currently provided by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).


  • Aftercare services must involve coordination of the correctional facility treatment program with other human service and rehabilitation programs such as educational and job training programs, parole supervision programs, half-way house programs, and participation in self-help and peer group programs that may aid in the rehabilitation of individuals in the substance abuse treatment program. In addition, grant recipients should coordinate these activities with any SAMHSA-funded state and/or local programs that address the needs of this target population.

  • To qualify as an aftercare program, the head of the substance abuse treatment program must work in conjunction with state and local authorities and organizations involved in substance abuse treatment to place program participants into community substance abuse treatment facilities upon their release.

This grant opportunity requires a 25% cash or in-kind services match. Matching or cost sharing means the portion of project costs not paid by federal funds. Match is typically stated as a percentage of the total project costs for an award.

  • Additionally, matching funds must:

  • Be verifiable from the subgrantee’s records;

  • Not included as contributions for any other federal award;

  • Be necessary and reasonable for the accomplishment of the project or program objectives;

  • Be allowable under 2 C.F.R. 200.400;

  • Not be paid by the federal government under another federal award, except where authorized by federal statute;

  • Be included in the subgrantee’s approved budget; and

  • Conform to all other provisions of 2 C.F.R. Part 200.

Match is restricted to the same use of funds as allowed for federal funds. If an expenditure is not allowable with federal funds, it is not allowable with match funds. Applicants must identify all sources of the non-federal portion of the total project costs (i.e., match funds), and applicants must explain how the match funds will be used in the budget narrative section of the application within IntelliGrants.

Allowable costs are those costs consistent with the principles set out in the Uniform Guidance 2 C.F.R. § 200, Subpart E, and those permitted by the grant program’s authorizing legislation (34 U.S.C. § 10421 et. seq). Any questions about allowable costs should be directed to ICJI prior to application submission.

All equipment purchased with grant funding must be purchased, installed, and in operation by the end of the grant period. If grant-funded equipment is not installed and/or operational by the end of the grant period, the subgrantee may be denied reimbursement for the equipment expenses. ICJI will not approve grant extension requests for this purpose and the subgrantee will be required to de-obligate all equipment funding.

RSAT funds shall not be used for the following costs:

  1. New construction;

  2. Any renovation or remodeling of a property located in an environmentally or historically sensitive area, including property (a) listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, or (b) located within a 100-year flood plan, a wetland, or habitat for an endangered species;

  3. A renovation that will change the basic prior use of the facility or significantly change its size;

  4. Research and technology whose anticipated and future application could be expected to have an effect on the environment; and

  5. Land acquisition.

State Reporting

Subrecipients are required to submit quarterly programmatic and fiscal reports in IntelliGrants. Upon submission, an ICJI grant manager will then review and approve or deny the reports. Each program report and fiscal report must be approved by ICJI prior to seeking reimbursement.

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Federal Reporting

Additionally, subrecipients are required to submit quarterly programmatic reports via the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Performance Measurement Tool. Failure to submit any report in a timely fashion may be considered a material breach, at the discretion of the State. For more information related to grant reporting requirements, please refer to 2 C.F.R. and 28 C.F.R.

Performance Measurement Tool

  • 2022 Awards

    Number of Awards: 3
    Total Amount Awarded: $1,390,452



    Award Amount

    Bartholomew County Community Corrections



    Bartholomew County Community Corrections



    Indiana Department of Correction



  • Past RFPs
  • 2024 Awards

    Number of Awards: 4
    Total Amount Awarded: $997,618.49

    OrganizationCountyAward Amount
    Indiana Department of CorrectionStatewide$224,000.00
    Bartholomew County Community CorrectionsBartholomew$197,119.00
    Bartholomew County Community CorrectionsBartholomew$235,317.00
    Tippecanoe County Community CorrectionsTippecanoe$341,182.49

Technical Assistance

For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the ICJI Helpdesk, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, except state holidays. For assistance with any other requirements of this solicitation, please contact: Sam Terry at or Leann Jaggers at

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