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Historic Vehicle & Authentic Model Year License Plates

Historic, Collector, and Collector – Authentic Model Year vehicles may be renewed in one of the following ways:

To learn more about these three vehicle types, click the links below.


Historic Vehicles

Antique Car Or Motorcycle License Plate A historic vehicle is a vehicle that is at least 25 years old may be registered with a historic license plate.  Historic vehicles are charged a standard registration fee, vehicle excise tax, and county and municipal vehicle excise tax, if applicable.

Learn More About Vehicle Registration Fees and Taxes


A historic license plate may be registered on any historic vehicle that qualifies as being one of the following: historic or collector.

Collector Vehicle & Authentic Model Year License Plates

A historic vehicle may be registered as a collector vehicle for a reduced fee if the vehicle meets the following criteria:

  • Is at least 25 years old;
  • Is owned, operated, restored, maintained, or used as a collector’s item, a leisure pursuit, or an investment; and
  • Is not used primarily for transportation.

You must submit a completed Collector Vehicle Affidavit – State Form 56166 when you first register your collector vehicle and for each year you renew.

Do Your License Plate Stickers and Frames Comply?

StickersMake sure your license plate properly displays the registration stickers, and is not obscured by your license plate frame.

Learn More About the Required Placement of Stickers and Frames

Authentic Model Year License Plate

For an additional annual fee an authentic model year  license plate may be displayed on a vehicle that is registered as a collector vehicle. The Indiana authentic model year  license plate is not required to be the original license plate registered to the vehicle; however, it is required to have been issued by the Indiana BMV in the same year as the model year of the vehicle to which it will be used.

A Historic license plate is registered to the collector vehicle and a Certificate of Registration with the authentic model year license plate number indicated is issued. The authentic model year license plate is placed on the rear of the vehicle, and the Historic license plate and Certificate of Registration must be carried in the vehicle at all times, including any renewal year stickers. The Historic license plate must be renewed annually.

To use an authentic model year  license plate on your collector vehicle, you must present the authentic model year  plate to any BMV branch for inspection. The authentic model year  license plate may be refurbished or restored; however, the BMV may reject the use of the license plate if there is any indication that the plate does not meet the original specifications. Additionally, the authentic model year license plate must meet the following conditions:

  • Be metal
  • Be in good or original condition suitable to be displayed. The letters, numbers, and markings must be clearly legible.
  • Fading must be minimal and not faded to an illegible state.
  • May only contain minor rust on the face of the plate.
  • May not be bent.
  • May not have any unplanned holes.
  • Must match the picture of the plate issued for the year of manufacture according to BMV records.