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Statement from Secretary of State Todd Rokita on Federal Court Decision Upholding Indiana Voter ID Law

Contact: AJ Freeney-Ruiz

Indianapolis - Friday, U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker upheld Indiana's law requiring Hoosiers to show photo identification to avoid fraud at the polls. Advocated by Secretary Rokita and passed by the Indiana General Assembly in 2005, Indiana's Voter ID Law targets identity theft at the polls. The Secretary of State's office has created a website dedicated to helping Indiana voters with the new law, and is spending $1.2 million of state and federal dollars on television, radio and print ads encouraging Hoosiers to bring ID to the polls and be aware of other changes to state election law.


"This is a victory for common-sense election reform in Indiana and across the country. Indiana's ID law will give Hoosier voters better confidence in the system and be a model for other states to follow. The General Assembly acted courageously to protect the integrity of our right to vote." - Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita

For more information on the law visit For more information on obtaining a free photo ID from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles visit
