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Guidelines for 30-day filings: Gas Utilities

Instructions to Utilities

  1. Each request for a 30-Day Filing should be submitted through the Commission’s electronic filing system. The request must contain the following items:
    1. A cover letter addressed to the Secretary of the Commission clearly stating:
      1. That the filing is being made under the 30-Day Filing Rule (170 IAC 1-6-1);
      2. The purpose of and the need for whatever is requested;
      3. Why the filing is allowable under Section 3 (allowable filings) of the 30-Day Filing Rule;
      4. The name of the contact person(s) and their address, telephone number, and email or fax number; and
      5. That a copy of the filing has been sent to the office of the Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC).
    2. A verified statement from the utility affirming that, prior to the filing date:
      1. Affected customers were notified of the filing by posting notice in a public place at the utility’s local customer service offices (if utility has such offices) and in an obvious place on the utility’s website; and
      2. Notice was published in at least one newspaper of general circulation that encompassed the highest number of customers affected by the filing. The notice must include the nature of the filing, which customers may be affected and how they will be affected, the expected filing date, and the expected filing approval date. The verified statement must include the name of the newspaper and the publication date and copies of any written means of notification.
    3. Tariff Sheet(s)
    4. Revenue and cost projections: All projections should be clearly explained. This should include all assumptions used, actual or estimated data used (and source of data), and models or methodologies employed should be clearly explained (No Secrets).
  2. Typical 30-Day Filings include:
    1. Changes to rules and regulations;
    2. Changes to non-recurring charges;
    3. Rates and charges for new services; and/or
    4. New rules and regulations.
  3. Other comments:
    1. A 30-Day Filing is not a substitute for a rate case.
    2. The "30 days" specified is the minimum amount of time required for an increase in a non-recurring charge. Complex filings may take longer. At the Commission's discretion, rate reductions and special filings may follow an expedited procedure.
    3. If you have any questions about 30-Day Filings, call Energy Division at (317) 232-2785
    4. Be sure to send a copy of the filing to the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC)
  4. Fatal Errors in 30-Day Filings include, but are not limited to:
    1. Lack of customer notice;
    2. Lack of a verified statement;
    3. Failure to include tariff sheets;
    4. Current rates that do not match amounts and format in the official tariff files;
    5. Attempts to penalize;
    6. Rounding errors (for example, rounding $425 up to $500;
    7. Lack of cost support; and/or
    8. Failure to indicate that you want the filing processed as a 30-Day Filing.