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Stormwater Program Transition to Master General Permits

IDEM is in the process of transitioning from a permit by Rule to a Master General Permit for the three stormwater programs currently administered through Indiana Administrative Code (Rule).

IDEM has established a process to transition from permits by Rule to Master General Permits that includes several steps:

  1. Development of a draft permit.
  2. Send the draft permit to U.S. EPA for review.
  3. Utilization of an advisory group to review and provide input into the draft permit.
  4. Modify the draft permit.
  5. Public notice and receive comments on the draft permit.
  6. Consider public comments and as applicable modify the draft permit.
  7. Send the draft permit to U.S. EPA for final comments and concurrence.

The three program areas are listed below as is a list of draft measures that will be incorporated into the Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual.

Construction Stormwater:

As of 12-18-2021 this program is no longer administered through 327 IAC 15-5 and has been replaced with the new Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP).

Information related to the new Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP):

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s):

As of 12-18-2021 this program is no longer administered through 327 IAC 15-13 and has been replaced with the MS4 General Permit.

Information related to the new MS4 General Permit:

Industrial Stormwater:

Currently this program is administered through 327 IAC 15-6.

IDEM is at Step (1) as listed above and is developing a draft permit.

Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual – Draft Stormwater Quality Measures

In developing the new permit U.S EPA has required Indiana to incorporate several new requirements into the permit. These requirements have resulted in the modification of several measures in the current Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual.  Draft of these measures are below.  Comments on these measures may be directed to the Stormwater Program via email using the program email account. When sending comments mark the subject line as Stormwater Manual.

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