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Title 327 - Water Pollution Control Division

Environmental Rules Board (Water Pollution Control Division)
Rule Name, LSA #, and Subject Matter Contact for Questions and Submission of Comments * Rule Actions and Comment Periods Public Hearings, and Anticipated Adoption and Effective Dates **
Aquatic Life Criteria Methodologies for Waters Outside of the Great Lakes System

Amends methodologies in 327 IAC 2-1 and 327 IAC 5-2 for deriving aquatic life criteria in “downstate waters” (outside of the Great Lakes Systems).
Daniel Watts
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: (317) 234-5345
Fax: (317) 233-5970
First Notice of Comment Period
DIN: 20211229-IR-327210539FNA
Comment Period:
12/29/2021 – 02/12/2022

Title 327 Water Pollution Control Division

Readoption of Title 327 in its entirety and without amendment governing the Water Pollution Control Division

Seth Engdahl
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 234-9535
Fax: (317) 233-5970

Legislative Notice for Rule Readoption
DIN: 20231220-IR-327230810LNA

Notice of Public Comment Period for Rule Readoption
DIN: 20240821-IR-327230810RNA
Comment Period:
08/22/2024 – 09/20/2024

Public Hearing: Adoption
Title 327 Civil Penalties

In accordance with IC 13-30-4-1, IDEM imposes civil penalties on entities that violate provisions of the state’s water pollution control laws and rules.  The current civil penalty policy and structure became effective on April 5, 1999, through non-rule policy documents.  House Enrolled Act 1623, which became law on May 5, 2023, added IC 4-22-2-19.6.  This statute requires any fee, fine or civil penalty imposed by an agency to be included in the Indiana Administrative Code.  Accordingly, this rulemaking adds 327 IAC 1-2 to include IDEM’s civil penalty policy and structure in Title 327.
Seth Engdahl
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 234-9535
Fax: (317) 233-5970
Notice of First Public Comment Period
DIN:  20240207-IR-327240047FNA
Comment Period:
02/07/2024- 03/15/2024

Notice of Second Public Comment Period
DIN: 20240619-IR-327240047SNA
Comment Period:
06/20/2024- 07/19/2024 
Public Hearing: Preliminary Adoption
DIN: 20240207-IR-327240047PHA

Public Hearing: Final Adoption
DIN: 20240619-IR-327240047PHA 
Industrial Stormwater General Permits

This rulemaking amends 327 IAC 5-4-6, 327 IAC 15-2-2, and 327 IAC 15-4-1, and repeals 327 IAC 15-6, concerning transitioning the existing permit-by-rule general permit for stormwater discharges exposed to industrial activity to an administratively issued general permit.
Keelyn Walsh
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 232-8229
Fax: (317) 233-5970
Lead and Copper and Drinking Water Reference Updates

Amends 327 IAC 8 concerning updates to the Lead and Copper National Primary Drinking Water Regulations at 40 CFR 141, replaces existing federal language in the state rule with the incorporation by reference of the federal rules for all drinking water standards, and updates the AWWA and ASTM drinking water standard references throughout Article 8.
Krystal Hackney
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 232-3158
Fax: (317) 233-5970
Title 327 CFR Updates

Amends CFR references throughout Title 327 to be updated from 2016 to 2023.  EPA has made numerous changes to 40 CFR since 2016 and updating them to 2023 will bring the state rules into conformity with federal requirements.
Krystal Hackney
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 232-3158
Fax: (317) 233-5970

* Copies of rules, comments, and the agency's written response to those comments are open for public inspection at the Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Thirteenth Floor East, Indianapolis, Indiana.

** After a rule is final adopted, IDEM must provide the complete administrative record to the Attorney General’s office in the form of a “promulgation packet.” The Attorney General’s office then has forty-five (45) days to review the rule for form and legality before submitting it to the Governor for signature. The Governor has fifteen (15) days to sign or reject the rule and may request an additional fifteen (15) days if necessary. After signature, the rule is submitted to the Legislative Services Agency for publication in the Indiana Register. Unless specifically stated in the rule, the rule becomes effective thirty (30) days after filing with Legislative Services.

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