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How we help

Ask for help

Initial contact

  • We listen & provide support
  • We may answer questions or provide resources
  • We may schedule a follow up call or appointment

Follow up

  • Still completely confidential and no cost to you
  • We can meet in-person, by phone or video
  • Together we will develop a plan

Other JLAP services

  • You may agree to be paired with a JLAP volunteer for additional support (no cost to you)
  • You may decide to attend a JLAP support group (no cost to you)
  • We may refer you to a counselor/other provider (you are responsible for that cost)

Remote Support Groups

All of our regularly scheduled JLAP groups are being offered remotely so anyone from across the state can attend. Please note, all times listed are Eastern time.

Current participants in these groups should receive a link with the reminder email. If you did not receive it or need it again, please call JLAP at 317-833-0370 or toll free 866-428-JLAP (5527) for the link.

Care for the Caregiver Support Group

Caring for a loved one who is aging, ill, or has a disability can be time-consuming, exhausting, and challenging, particularly when you are trying to balance it with the challenges of family and a legal career. You are not alone. JLAP, the Indiana Judge’s and Lawyer’s Assistance Program, offers a support group for judges, lawyers, and law students managing the care of a loved one.

  • When: Second Thursday of every month at noon
  • Where: Call for details and Zoom link 866-428-JLAP (5527) or 317-833-0370

Addiction Issues Support Groups

A safe and confidential place for lawyers, judges, and law students to discuss concerns regarding their own substance use. The purpose of the group is to share in problem solving, provide support, and reduce isolation. This is a peer support group and is not intended to replace treatment or structured 12-step work, but to provide another alternative to supplement such programs.

  • When: Second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m.
  • Where: Call for details and Zoom link 866-428-JLAP (5527) or 317-833-0370

Weekly Connection Group

A discussion group to combat isolation and share concerns and support.

  • When: Every Wednesday at noon
  • Where: Call for details and Zoom link 1-866-428-JLAP (5527) or 317-833-0370

Grief and Loss Support Group

A monthly group for judges, lawyers, and law students to discuss any loss that is significant to them -people, pets, relationships, jobs, etc. We may also address collective grief due to COVID and its impact on our lives. Sometimes life hurts. You don't have to hurt alone.

  • When: 4th Thursday of every month at noon
  • Where: Call for details and Zoom link 1-866-428-JLAP (5527) or 317-833-0370


JLAP logoBecause of the sensitive nature of mental health and substance use issues, law students, attorneys, or judges who need help—or want to assist someone else who might need help—are often reluctant to seek assistance. Recognizing this concern, and in order to foster early and confidential contact, the Indiana Supreme Court authorized the creation of JLAP with the passage of Rule 31 of the Indiana Rules on Admission to the Bar and Discipline of Attorneys.

All contact with JLAP is confidential under Admission and Discipline Rule 31 ยง9 and Rules of Professional Conduct 8.3 (c).

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