Substantiated Complaints

Substantiated Complaints

Individuals can make a complaint about an ICF that is believed to be in violation of State or Federal regulations, including allegations that staff of an ICF has harmed a client or allowed a client to be harmed.  Complaints are filed with the Long Term Care Division of the Indiana State Department of Health and surveyors from the ISDH will investigate the information. 

Complaints about the care or services delivered to clients in an ICF may be filed with the ISDH as follows:

By toll free telephone call to:      1 (800) 246-8909.

By mail to:                                           Indiana State Department of Health
                                                                Division of Long Term Care
                                                                2 North Meridian Street, Section 4B
                                                                Indianapolis, IN  46204

By email to:                                         complaints@isdh.in.gov

During a complaint investigation, the surveyor will try to maintain the confidentiality of the complainant and any client mentioned in the complaint allegations.  After observations, record review, and interviews, the surveyor determines the ICF was noncompliant with any State regulation or Federal Standards of Participation in the Medicaid program, the complaint will be Substantiated.              


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