[CITE: Jaeco, Inc. v. Dept. N.R., 3 CADDNAR 60 (1985)]




Cause #: 85-205R

Caption: Jaeco, Inc. v. Dept. N.R.
Administrative Law Judge: Shadley
Attorneys: Runnells; Spicker, DAG  
Date: September 13, 1985





Temporary Relief from Notice of Violation #N50805-S-00118 is denied.




1. On August 28, 1985, pursuant to IC 13-4.1 and 310 IAC 12, Jaeco, Inc. filed a request for review of Notice of Violation #N50805-S-00118 and a request for temporary relief from the Notice of Violation pending the Director of the Department of Natural Resources' final determination on review of the Notice of Violation.


2. IC 13-4.1, the Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act, is applicable to this proceeding.


3. The Department of Natural Resources is an agency as the term is defined in IC 4-22-1. The Director is the ultimate authority of the Department with respect to the subject matter of this administrative action.


4. The Director has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this action.


5. The Director may, pursuant to IC 13-4.1-2-2(c), delegate any or all of the powers and duties assigned to him under IC 13-4.1-2-2 to other employees of the Department of Natural Resources.


6. Sue A. Shadley is an employee of the Department of Natural Resources.


7. By written entry dated August 30, 1985, the Director delegated to Sue A. Shadley the authority to grant or deny the temporary relief requested by Jaeco, Inc.


8. On September 12, 1985, a hearing was conducted pursuant to IC 4-22-1 and IC 13-4.1-11-8(e) on the request for temporary relief.


9. Jaeco, Inc. Holds permit S-00118 to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations at its Eel River Mine in Clay County, Indiana, pursuant to IC 13-4.1 and 310 IAC 12.


10. Notice of Violation #N50805-S-00118 was issued by James Brown, an authorized representative of the Director, to Jaeco, Inc. for failure to pass all surface drainage from the disturbed area through a siltation structure before leaving the permit area in violation of 310 IAC 12-5-18(a), (c) and (e), 310 IAC 12-5-17(a) and 310 IAC 12-3-4, Plan of Reclamation, Part IC (0)(4)(a) at the extreme east portion of the permit along the haul access road next to the unbounded farm land area. 310 IAC 12-5-17(a), 310 IAC 12-5-18(a), (c) and (e) and 310 IAC 12-3-4, Plan of Reclamation, Part IC (0)(4)(a)require that surface drainage from the disturbed area be controlled or passed through a siltation structure or diversion prior to leaving the permit area and require temporary diversions be constructed to pass safely the peak runoff from a precipitation event with a two year recurrence interval.[FOOTNOTE 1]


11.  [Finding 11 omitted from original document.]


12. A farm road is located to the east of the outside of the bonded area and east of the farm road is a field used at times for growing crops.


13. Drainage from the haul access road, from an area where a trailer, used as a mine office, was located, from an area previously used for storage of coal, and from the farm road was entering a diversion ditch constructed by Jaeco, Inc. On the east side of the haul road, approximately four (4) feet from the eastern boundary of the bonded area.


14. At a point approximately five feet south of a pipe installed by Jaeco, Inc. In the diversion ditch, water was observed on August 5, 1985 at 12:15 P.M. flowing out of the diversion ditch, through straw bales and onto the farm road.


15. The Claimant has not shown a substantial likelihood that the finding of the Director will be favorable to it.[FOOTNOTE 2]


16. The water flowing off the bonded area onto unbounded acres was tested for and found to be in compliance with applicable effluent limitations.


17. Granting temporary relief would not adversely affect




the public health or safety or cause significant, imminent environmental harm to land, air or water resources.



1. The two year recurrence interval for this location is three inches (3") of rain in a twenty-four (24) hour period. The Claimant's witness testified that this was an unusually large storm event but was not able of give unequivocal testimony that the storm the day before and the day of the Notice of Violation exceeded three inches (3") in twenty-four (24) hours.

2. All testimony given related to the issue of whether or not water actually left the bonded area - Jaeco believing it had not and the Division of Reclamation believing it had. The only way to make sense of this seemingly contradictory testimony is that Jaeco was looking at the "big" picture and Division observed a minor breach at one location along the diversion ditch. When Mr. Samm testified that the diversion was not breaching when Mr. Brown arrived, but Mr. Brown testified to having seen water flowing off the bonded area onto unbounded acres, I believe what must have happened was that there was not a major failure of the diversion, but only a failure at one point along the ditch, where a small amount of water was passing through the straw bales and leaving the bonded area. The quantity must have been small since by the time Mr. Strahle was there, 2:45 p.m., no water was leaving the bonded area. I am not certain that a revised drainage plan (the required abatement action) would be necessary to correct the violation which occurred on August 5, 1985, however, since no testimony was given concerning the appropriateness of the abatement action, there is no basis in this record for making a determination that it should be modified. However, for purposes of the full hearing on review of the Notice of Violation, the parties may wish to address this issue.