[CITE: Peabody Coal Company v. NRC, 2 CADDNAR 21 (1984)]




Cause #: 84-144R

Caption: Peabody Coal Company v. NRC
Administrative Law Judge: Szostek
Attorneys: Joest; Spicker, DAG
Date: September 27, 1984



The permit application advertisements for Peabody Coal Company Permits S-00011-1, S-00016-1 and S-00113 were not properly published, under the requirements of IC 13-4.1-4-1 and 310 IAC 12-3-106 and must be republished in a newspaper physically located in Vermillion



[The recommendations of the ALJ were rejected by the Natural Resources Commission. These findings are as revised to conform to the NRC directive.]


1. The Division of Reclamation's sole difficulty with the advertisements published by Peabody was the location of the newspaper in which they were published. No argument or evidence was presented by Respondent that the advertisements were defective in any other manner.


2. IC 13-4.1-4-1 was amended in 1981, but has not been amended since then.


3. 310 IAC 12-3-106 was filed on September 28, 1981, and has not been amended since then.


4. The term "newspaper of general circulation in the locality" is no defined in Indiana statutes or regulations governing surface mining.


5. The Stafford memo. . is an attempt by the Division of Reclamation to interpret IC 13-4.1-4-1 and 310 IAC 12-3-106 so as to give directions and guidelines for the purpose of choosing a newspaper for publishing these advertisements.


6. The Stafford memo has not been superseded by later directions or guidelines from Respondent on the subject.


7. The statements in paragraph three (3) and four (4) of the Stafford memo, which attempt to aid permit applications in the selection of a newspaper, must be considered as directions and guidelines, rather than policy; since as policy they would need to go through the formal process of rule adoption required by IC 4-22-2 et. seq., and they have not gone through such process.


8. The guidelines contained in the Stafford memo are as follows:


A. In paragraph (3): ". . .use the enclosed list to identify all the newspapers that are generally circulated in the county where you have a mine."


B. In paragraph three (3): "Then choose the newspaper which is published in the city or town closest to your mine."


C. In paragraph three (3): "if your mine is equidistant between two cities which have newspapers, choose the newspaper with the largest circulation."


D. In paragraph four (4): "If you can identify a newspaper published in a county adjoining the county where you mine, which is generally circulated in your county and is closer to your mine than any other newspaper, you may use the newspaper so long as it is published once a week."


9. The guideline 9A list of newspapers for Vermillion includes the Terre Haute Star, the Terre Haute Tribune and the Terre Haute Star-Tribune, besides the Vermillion county-based Clinton Clintonian and Cayuga Herald-News.


10. Peabody Permits S-00011, S-00012, S-00014, S-00015, S-00016, and S-00016-2, all involve permit areas close to the permit areas for the Permits in question.


11. Peabody did not publish advertisements for the Permits listed in Proposed Finding 10 in a Vermillion County-based newspaper.


12. Peabody Permits listed in Proposed Finding 10 were approved by the Division of Reclamation and the Natural Resources Commission without re-advertisement.


13. Since the guidelines are not subject to the requirements of IC 4-22-2, the Division of Reclamation may change them at its convenience.


14. Approval of the six Peabody permits listed in the Proposed Finding 10 was an inadvertent review omission by the Division of Reclamation. The correct interpretation of IC 13-4.1-4-1 and 310 IAC 12-3-106 (a) is that the notice must be published in a newspaper physically located in