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Influenza (Flu) Clinics

Influenza clinics are held annually in the fall. The dates, times and places are announced through the media prior to the clinics being held. Influenza vaccines are administered on a priority basis as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Children 6 Months to 18 Years

The vaccine is provided by:

  • Vaccine for Children (VFC) program if child receives Medicaid, has no insurance or insured child whose policy excludes immunization coverage
  • VaxCare for insured children
    Most insurances are accepted.
  • Charged for cost of vaccine if insurance card not presented at visit

Adults 19 Years & Up

  • Charged for cost of vaccine if no insurance.
  • Some insurances are accepted

Additional Information

  • Call 649-4441 for information.
  • Visit the CDC Website for additional information about the recommendations for influenza and pneumonia vaccines.