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Health First Program

Health First Clinton County (HFCC) - Initiative

Resolution 2023-03 adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Clinton County, Indiana recognizes the importance of public health to support a healthier community and create a better quality of life for its residents. The Board of Commissioners supports initiatives that sustain and maintain core public health services at the county level with local input and flexibility to meet the needs of the community. The Board of Commissioners commits to the County’s right to self-direct and acknowledges that by opting-in and  annually accepting state allocated public health funds it retains authority and control of the county health department otherwise afforded to it under state law or code pursuant to Indiana Code 16-20-1-12(i).

Success Stories

Health First Indiana - an investment in public health

Health First Indiana is the state’s initiative created by Senate Enrolled Act 4, legislation passed by the 2023 Indiana General Assembly that transforms public health. The legislation provides funding so local communities can prioritize public health and safety. Health First Indiana focuses on providing core services, including lead screening, food protection, trauma and injury prevention and more.

The goal is to ensure that every Hoosier has access to the core public health services that allow them to achieve their optimal health and well-being

Local Public Health Fund - HFCC Grant Program

The Clinton County Board of Commissioners’ decision to receive the State of Indiana allocated Local Public Health Fund allows the Clinton County Health Department to award contracts or establish a grant to an individual, employer, employer association, nonprofit organization, for-profit organization, institution of higher education, health insurance plan, health ministry, or any combination thereof for the purpose of providing core public health services to Clinton County residents. Financial assistance is allocated to protect and promote the health of all people in communities within the jurisdiction of the Clinton County Health Department to support identified gaps in core public health service delivery.

The Clinton County Department conducted an internal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis and IDOH data review to identify six (6) prevention & education CPHS areas for which it will accept external grant applications.  Eligible applicants can request funding to develop a CPHS gap related program/project/activity prioritized for Clinton County.

Priority Core Public Health Service Areas for Clinton County:

  • Maternal and Child Health
    • Referral programs
    • Improved Birth Outcome programs
  • Chronic Disease Prevention
  • Access to and Linkage to Clinical Care
  • Trauma and Injury Prevention
  • Fatality Prevention Initiatives
  • Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

To Apply for a HFCC Grant

To implement this new program guidance documents have been created below. Interested applicants should review the program resources to prepare for submitting application information.  The Grant application period deadline is for each year is listed below.

HFCC Program resources for applicants:

HFCC Sub-Granting Program Information Document (PDF) updated 01/01/2025
HFCC  grant program Key Performance Indicators and Metrics (PDF) updated 01/01/205 
HFCC Fillable Itemized Budget (WORD) updated 01/01/2025 required upload attachment for all grant applications.

Application and Submission Information

Grant Year 2025 Compressed Timeline:

Annual Application Process Date


Application Due Date

March 31st

Review Period

April 1st to April 30th

Notifications of Award

On or After April 30th

Grants Issued for Signature Period

On or Before May 10th

Award Period Begins

January of Award Year

Award Period Ends

December 31st of Award Year

Grant Year 2026 Timeline:

Annual Application Process


Application Due Date

September 30th

Review Period

October 1st to November 1st

Notifications of Award

On or After November 1st

Grants Issued for Signature Period

On or Before December 10th

Award Period Begins

January of Award Year

Award Period Ends

December 31st of Award Year

CCHD may award additional contracts after the Award Period Begins date for priority projects able to be completed and reported in accordance with the annual award period.

Awardees may receive one or more payments during the grant period, if performance measures are being achieved and data is being submitted on reports as required per the grant agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Information

Please send general questions regarding this RFA and application process to the following email:

Clinton County reserves the right to amend this program guidance to provide additional information or correct errors.

Contact Information

Phone: (765) 659-6385

1234 Rossville Ave
Frankfort, IN 46041

Birth & Death Records

Environmental Health

Food & Vector Control

Immunization Clinic
(Medicaid, No Insurance, or Commercial Insurance)

Public Health Nurse

Preparedness & MRC Coordinator

Health First Inquires

Payment Information

To make a payment click the link below. Please note: There is a convenience fee of $0.40 plus 1.96% of the total amount for all transactions. Please DO NOT include this fee in your payment amount field, it will be done automatically.
Pay Now