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Staff Directory

Lt Governors Central Business Office


Staff Placeholder

Mitzi Moss

Controller (Accounting)

Staff Placeholder

Scharmaine Bryant

Accountant (Accounting)

Staff Placeholder

Tami Church

Accountant (Accounting)

Operations & Legal

Staff Placeholder

Beth Woods

Director of Operations (Operations & Legal)

Staff Placeholder

Patsy Sharpe

Business Service Manager (Operations & Legal)

Staff Placeholder

Mary Moss-Smith

Operations Manager (Operations & Legal)

Staff Placeholder

Kyla Borders

Administrative Assistant (Operations & Legal)

Staff Placeholder

Anna Schuler

Contract & Procurement Specialist (Operations & Legal)

Staff Placeholder

January Sanders

Contract & Procurement Specialist (Operations & Legal)

Grant Services

Staff Placeholder

Adam Moschell

Staff Placeholder

Timothy (Tim) Parthun

Staff Placeholder

Alissa Ferguson

Staff Placeholder

John Hayden

Staff Placeholder

Katherine Johantges

Staff Placeholder

Bryce Gorman

To learn about some of the programs and available grant opportunities Grant Services works with, visit the Grant Opportunities & Resources page!

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