Electricity Division's 30-Day Filings
Types of Filings
The following types of filings are allowable under the procedures and guidelines of this rule:
- Rates and charges for new services [Rates]
- New rules and regulations of the utility [New R&R]
- Changes to rules and regulations of the utility [Changes to R&R]
- Nonrecurring charges [NR Charges]
- Other [Other]
30-Day Filings Have Moved
All pending, closed, and archived 30-day filings can be found by accessing the Online Services Portal and clicking on “Search for a 30-Day Case”. There, you can search for a case by a number of filters, including case number, industry, utility, date filed, preliminary date, and final date.
If you have any questions, please contact a Systems Support Specialist at URCITSupport@urc.in.gov.